
Trump’s Blog REMOVED From Campaign Website For Good

The blog section on the former President’s website “From The Desk of Donald J Trump” has been shut down, and will not be returning. 

The independent reported, “The blog “will not be returning,” according to adviser Jason Miller, who suggested that the blog’s removal precedes plans for the former president to join another social media platform after his widespread ban.

All previous entries now are under a “news” link, with entries retitled to “Statement by Donald J Trump, 45th President of the United States”.

The blog was launched after Trump was purged from all major social media platforms far and wide, any website that has over 100 million users, Donald Trump is likely banned. Even apps that the former president had never used or maintained an account on, banned him. Tik Tok banned the president around the same time Facebook and Twitter did, even though he had never used the app or violated their rules. 

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This is a blatant example of Silicon Valley tyrants banding together in order to make an organized attack on a politician. These measures could have disastrous effects on campaign attempts. 

An advisor to Trump, Jason Miller confirmed that 45 will be joining us on another social media platform. Whether that is an existing social media platform, or a new one altogether, the answer is unclear. 

Trump lives in Florida, where laws where just passed that allow citizens to sue social media companies for speech suppression, and the Floridian government to fine these companies up to $250,000 a day for suppressing political candidates. 

The prospect of this being used for Trump’s return remains open, even though that he hasn’t indicated that he intends to take advantage of the law.