During a routine workday, a pharmaceutical delivery driver named Billy Jamison fell to an untimely and unjust death, whilst on duty at a Walgreens outlet in Louisiana. The incident, a gruesome mix of robbery and carjacking, transpired on a Wednesday, at the proximal juncture of Line Avenue and Kings Highway. At the age of 67, life was brutally cut short for Jamison.
Billy had not only been a dedicated worker but also a nurturing father of four children. His responsibilities were not limited to his immediate family, as he also single-handedly cared for his elderly father, presently in his 90s.
Billy was remembered by his family as a man of soft-spoken nature and gentle demeanor. His faith was unwavering, and he attended his church services regularly. He had previously led his Shreveport congregation as a pastor, touching many lives in his community.
His kin described him as a symbol of peace, gentleness, and unconditional support. Such praise coming from his family certifies the kind and reassuring presence Billy must’ve been in their lives.
A statement from Walgreens about the heart-wrenching incident soon surfaced. The message expressed deep condolences for the victim and his family, underlining their commitment to the security of their patients, clientele, and employees.
The company pledged full cooperation with the Shreveport Police Department to aid their investigation of the tragic incident. Walgreens made it clear that they prioritized safety and were intent on doing their part in seeking justice for Billy Jamison’s untimely demise.
In an endeavor to expedite the resolution of the investigation, Caddo-Shreveport Crime Stoppers has announced a monetary reward of $5,000 for any significant information leading to an arrest in connection with Jamison’s tragic homicide.
The Shreveport Police Department has named Larry Lewis as a person of interest in the case. He has been marked as potentially involved in the homicide and law enforcement is seeking public assistance to track him down.
Lewis is considered a critical person of interest in the investigation due to the violent nature of his alleged acts. Authorities caution the public as they believe him to be armed and possibly dangerous.
Council member Gary Brooks expressed his outrage at the violent act that occurred in Shreveport’s peaceful neighborhoods. He stressed that such violent acts had no place in the community, especially in the residential areas where people raised their families, worked and ensured education for their children.
Mr. Brooks also extended his sincere thoughts to the grieving family of Billy Jamison in this challenging period, highlighting the shared sorrow within the community over this senseless act.
The murder of Mr. Billy Ray Jamison brings the count of homicides in Shreveport in the year 2025 to two. This rising violence has struck a chord within the community, stoking concerns and demanding immediate actions from the authorities.
Council Chair, Tabatha Taylor, expressed her heartbreak over the recurrence of such needless loss of life. Taylor’s statement signaled an urgent appeal for the community to come together to fight against the rising tide of senseless violence engulfing their community.
The collective grief of losing Billy Jamison has shaken the community, illuminating the urgent need for heightened safety measures, expedited judicial processes and a shared commitment from all to restore peace to their neighborhoods.