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Toyota Chairman Fights Back Against Electric Vehicles: ‘They Will Never Dominate the Market’


While Akio Toyoda, Chairman of Toyota, acknowledged the potential of electric cars in a recent address on the company’s site, he discussed a vision that didn’t solely embrace battery-powered solutions.

He expressed belief in a future of automotive industry that, despite the current push for electric vehicles (EVs), will continue to see substantial contributions from hybrid and hydrogen-based vehicles. Quoting him, ‘Even with all the advancements in electric vehicles, their market share would likely reach around 30% at best. The other 70% will be taken up by hybrids, hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles, and hydrogen engines.’

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Toyoda emphasized a keen understanding of the global reach of the car industry, pointing out the scarcity of electrification infrastructure in many parts of the developing world. From his perspective, the dream of a fully electric vehicle dominated world will be hampered by this factor. In postulating the future of the automotive marketplace, he insists that consumer preference, rather than governmental policies and regulations, will shape the terrain.

He suggests, ‘Internal combustion engines are going to stay. The market, dictated by what customers desire, will be the determining factor here, not regulatory benchmarks or political influences.’ His perspective stresses the importance of customer choice in the evolution of mobility solutions. An underlying message highlights the idea that technological advances should serve the people, not be dictated by regulatory bodies.

In reference to the massive number of people living without electrical access worldwide, Toyoda acknowledged that the needs of such regions cannot be addressed by a single option. Toyota, being a global vehicle supplier, acknowledges the diversity of consumer needs and infrastructure availability, stressing that ‘An only EV-solution can’t provide transport for all.’ This sentiment touches on the need for automakers to remain agile and adaptable in their product offerings, respecting the environmental and infrastructural diversity in different regions.

Despite the skepticism towards a total EV future, Toyoda displayed a clear commitment towards reducing CO2 emissions, demonstrating the company’s dedication to environmental preservation. Such efforts are not new to Toyota, as Toyoda mentions, ‘What makes Toyota unique is our commitment towards hybrids. Thanks to the theirs introduction in Japan some two or three decades ago, the country is the single developed nation to have witnessed a CO2 emission decline by 23%.’

Echoing Toyoda’s sentiments, the ‘villain’ he identified is carbon dioxide. There is an urgent need for all industry players and consumers to prioritize immediate carbon reduction endeavors, he stressed. This acknowledges the broader consensus about the significance of concerted global efforts against climate change.

Toyota’s understanding of electric vehicles seems to echo that of American automakers like Ford. While recognising the promise of electric mobility, these companies understand that current market realities suggest that EVs are neither technologically advanced enough nor cost-effective to justify extensive marketing.

The American market has remained hesitant towards electric vehicles, despite the efforts by governments and manufacturers to boost the appeal of EVs through subsidies and other financial incentives. Not only do EVs entail material-intensive production processes, employing resources mined in the developing world, they also suffer from limitations such as limited travel range and poor performance in cold climates.

Americans’ reservations toward EVs have become increasingly evident with a significant decrease in demand observed recently, leading to 2023 sales numbers falling short of expectations. The high cost of electric vehicles is a sticking point for many consumers, with the high-tech nature of these vehicles still falling short in justifying the price tag to many potential buyers. In essence, electric vehicles are not seen as having reached maturity when juxtaposed with their gas-powered counterparts.

Consequently, Toyoda’s analysis suggests a balanced approach to future vehicle technology, rather than a shift towards complete electrification. His perspective suggests a market fluidity with multiple powertrain technologies cohabitating and serving varied consumer needs. Such a viewpoint acknowledges the reviewed reality of consumer attitudes towards EVs.

The prediction made by Toyota’s Chairman potentially sets the global automotive industry on a new course of reflection. His viewpoint de-emphasizes the hype surrounding the electric vehicle trend, instead favoring a practical approach that considers it one among many solutions for an environmentally friendly future.

Toyoda’s observations echo a sentiment that the global push for electric vehicles may be more politically motivated than naturally evolving from market demands and trends. His critique calls for a realistic understanding of the technological, infrastructural and cultural barriers that may slow down the universal adoption of electric vehicles.

In conclusion, Toyota’s Chairman has laid forward an argument that propels a broader view of the future of transportation – a view that sees a rich tapestry of solutions including but not limited to EVs. This perspective, concerned with practicality, customer choice, and global applicability, presents a refreshingly diversified vision of an environmentally responsible future automotive industry.

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