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‘The Brady Bunch’ Star Says Reboot Cancelled Because She’s Conservative

Susan Olsen, known for her portrayal of Cindy Brady in the classic ‘Brady Bunch’ series, recently revealed that a planned reboot of the show was canceled due to certain political perspectives she holds. The matter was discussed at length in a recent episode of the WalkAway Campaign podcast. In this reboot, the intent was that the characters of the Brady children, now grown up, would hold a variety of political views, detailing an interesting dynamic in their interactions.

According to Olsen, this reboot, in its envisioned format, was somewhat akin to the 2018 comeback of another beloved series, ‘Roseanne’. The essence of both these series revolved around families with radically different political beliefs yet still managing to maintain affection and respect for each other despite the conflicting viewpoints.

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The adult versions of the Brady children would have been differentiated not just by their personalities, but by their political allegiances as well. Greg Brady, played by Barry Williams, was scripted as ‘a Reagan Republican’, while Jan Brady was to don the mantle of a liberal. Cindy, the character Susan Olsen played and would have reprised, was to be depicted as a libertarian podcaster, with viewpoints echoing those of Olsen in real life.

Given the nature of Olsen’s beliefs, the actress posed a relevant question, ‘What kind of show would this be if I can’t say anything that’s controversial?’ Olsen disclosed that the decision that led to the cancellation involved a telephone conversation between her TV siblings and her agent, in which she was informed that the network was adamant about not including her in the reboot. The news came as a shock to her, making her question her cancellation from a role that she played for over half a century.

Having been ousted from a LA talk radio show titled ‘Two Chicks Talkin’ Politics’ back in 2016 due to a disagreement with a guest, Olsen’s surprise at being excluded from the reboot seemed heavy with irony. The guest had charged her with spreading ‘outrageous misinformation.’

CBS presented a comprehensive catalogue of comments made by Olsen in the past, which they deemed to be potentially controversial. Among these were her skepticism towards the COVID vaccine and her critical stance on ‘gender affirming’ surgeries for minors, which she believes may lead to ‘irreparable damage’. CBS insinuated the possibility of her being schooled on ‘political correctness’ in case of necessity.

Upon researching her extensively, a 50-page document was amassed by the network, leading to the ultimate decision that she was unsuitable for their planned show. Olsen’s response to the collection of her ‘greatest hits’ was one of affirmation, asserting that she stood by her statements, controversial though they may be.

Despite the tribulations, Olsen continued her efforts to make the reboot a reality, engaging in a virtual meeting with show’s runner and producer. She was questioned on her stance on various heated issues, painting a picture of the complications entangled in the creation of this show.

Olsen contemplated bypassing CBS to breathe life into the envisioned reboot. Nevertheless, eventually she chose to withdraw herself, expressing her disinterest in being part of what she predicted as a ‘woke Brady Bunch.’

Thus, the much-anticipated reboot of the cherished ‘Brady Bunch’, a refreshing take on the dynamic of the adult Brady children with diverging political beliefs, ended up getting axed. This decision was made purely based upon the controversial stances of one cast member, an ethos that boasts power, yet lays bare an ideology of exclusion.

Cultural and political diversity, ideally, should enable a rich tapestry of perspectives and dialogues, an approach that the reboot aimed to emulate, drawing parallels with the ‘Roseanne’ series. However, it seems as though certain perspectives were considered too difficult to handle, leading to the surprising cancellation of the series.

The potential for gripping interactions and deeply human narratives was immense in the proposed reboot. Given the unique set of convictions that each Brady character would have embodied, the show could have been a powerful representation of how to navigate familial love amidst diverse political landscapes.

The cancellation of the show was an unfortunate event, not only for Olsen, but also for the audience who had been eagerly waiting for a revival of their treasured series. People were intrigued by the prospect of seeing familiar characters grappling with modern political issues and evolving through them.

Complacency over ‘political correctness’, it seems, eclipsed the value of these contentious debates that play an imperative role in progressing society. The denial of differing opinions, in this case Olsen’s, it seems, undermines the true spirit of discourse and growth.

Olsen’s journey underlines the intersection of entertainment and politics, and how certain viewpoints still run the risk of silencing. The actress, still faithful to her part of Cindy, is an example of tenacity in the face of cancellation, embodying the spirit of her enduring character.

While the dream of a ‘Brady Bunch’ reboot remains in the realm of ‘might-have-been’, one cannot ignore the awareness this incident brings to the table – the importance of pluralistic dialogues, even in the realm of television. The cancellation, though a negative event, offers a constructive perspective towards a more inclusive form of storytelling.