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Texas Lt. Governor Says Obama Allies Trying to Get Rid of Joe Biden

Texas Second-in-Command, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, of the Republican party, has made a bombshell prediction: a supposed network of Democrats, allegedly orchestrated by former President Barack Obama, will block the incumbent President, Joe Biden, from getting the Democratic ticket for the 2024 election.

The startling revelation came from a dispatch on X, an online platform which previously went by the name of Twitter. Patrick stated, ‘I’ve consistently called out, over the past one year, that Joe Biden will not end up as the Democratic candidate. I believe Michelle Obama will be the chosen one.’

Patrick further intimated that he believes these manoeuvrings are the result of a Democratic ‘deep state’ pullinated by Obama affiliates who saw the need to sideline Biden to ensure Democratic victory. He takes this view on the backdrop of contentious findings by a special counsel appointed by the preceding President, Donald Trump. The much-debated report released by the special counsel indicated that Biden, surprisingly, would not be stalled by any legal issues for improper handling of classified documents.

The report’s critical, unsparingly disparaging appraisal of Biden, especially his cognitive abilities and advancing age, galvanized the Republican party into action. Biden, not mincing words, robustly rebutted the report’s contents during a press conference held last Thursday night. He also had to navigate some difficult moments during the press encounter, including an instance where he presumably mixed up the Egyptian head of state with the Mexican president.

Despite a subset of Democrats acknowledging the press conference as somewhat mired in complications, Patrick continued to unfold what he believes to be a complex plot, inextricably linking former First Lady Michelle Obama, the deep state, and the controversial report itself. He claimed that Democrats ‘gift wrapped’ these challenging moments for Biden with the intention of presenting him as a ‘sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man struggling with memory.’

Patrick doubled down on his belief that the unfolding events were choreographed and that Biden was walked into a setup, with the end game being a complete embarrassment of the President. Patrick harshly critiqued the administration, stating, ‘They could have shielded him, had him make a statement from the Oval Office devoid of any press interaction. But instead, they paraded him in front of the media.’

Chatter related to the possible presidential candidacy of former First Lady Michelle Obama have echoed through the media world for several years, introducing the subtle idea of a potential sleeper candidate on the Democratic side. Mrs. Obama stands out as one of the United States’ most renowned and well-liked political figures, even though she has continuously held off from actively pursuing any form of public office.

To date, Michelle Obama has not made any official declaration concerning a run for the presidency. Alongside this, there is little to support the idea of a Democratic ‘deep state’ group, guided by Obama loyalists, methodically working to undermine Biden. Staunch Republican and former presidential advisor to George W. Bush, Karl Rove, termed the idea of a Michelle Obama presidential run as ‘sheer madness.’ Yet, he openly speculated the possibility that Biden may step back due to worries surrounding his age.

Rove offered his insights before the release of the damning report by special Counsel Robert Hur, which had noted concerns regarding Biden’s mental fitness. Recent polls further darken the clouds gathering over Biden’s presidency, with a staggering 89 per cent of respondents expressing they harbor concerns about Biden’s mental clarity.

The controversial report landed this week, painting a distressing picture of Biden’s mishandling of sensitive information and raising eyebrows not just for the contents but for its implications on Biden’s cognitive abilities. The Washington Examiner cited various troubling excerpts from the report about Biden’s diminishing mental capacity.

Comments cited from the report included observations such as ‘Mr. Biden’s capacity to recall seemed significantly impaired, both in recorded interviews with our staff in 2017 and during our office’s interview in 2023. We considered the likelihood that he would present himself to a jury as a sympathetic, well-meaning and elderly individual with serious memory issues.’

Another notable excerpt from the report stated, ‘His memory showed notable limitations – during the 2017 discussions with Zwonitzer, evidenced by their recorded conversations, and now, during the interview with our office. The recorded discussions with Zwonitzer in 2017 paint an image of a man straining to recall events and struggling to comprehend notes from his own notebook.’

Biden’s memory woes were further underscored by his confusion during the interview regarding his vice presidential tenure (‘Was I still in office in 2013?’ on day one of the interview and, on day two, ‘Did I still hold the position of Vice-President in 2009?’). The most disturbing revelation was his uncertainty about when his son Beau passed away.

Furthermore, the report raised questions about Biden’s grasp of crucial policy debates, such as when he was quoted claiming differences of opinion with General Karl Eikenberry – a quoted ally in his own memo to President Obama – during the Afghanistan policy debates. All these comments establish a narrative of a leader who appears to be struggling with his memory, which is concerning given the importance of his role.

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