
Teen Rapper Who Shot NYPD Officer Walks Free On Bond

A New York City teen rapper has been charged with shooting, and wounding an NYPD officer – but has been released on bond.–Q

Camrin Williams, known by his rap name as “C Blu” allegedly got into a scuffle with NYPD officers. It was at this time that a handgun in his possession discharged and wounded officer Kaseem Pennant. The bullet, or a portion of the bullet after fragmentation also reportedly struck the 16-year-old rapper in the groin. 

You might be thinking, in what world can someone shoot an officer of the law with a firearm and shortly thereafter walk free before the charge is settled in criminal court? Well in the world of New York City of course! More specifically in the Bronx. 

Judge Denis Boyle, a Bronx Supreme Court Justice has come under fire for being overly lenient, especially with younger defendants. In some situations, leniency may be perfectly acceptable, but Williams was not caught in possession of illicit substances or some other minor crime. He shot and very easily could have killed a New York City Police Officer. 

This is not the first time Williams has been in illegal possession of a firearm. In 2020 C Blu was arrested and placed on probation for having a gun on his person unlawfully. 

Prosecutors asked that the young man be held without bail but Boyle decided that he would not listen. Williams posted a $250,000 bond and is currently walking the streets free

It may be hard for one’s mind not to call back to the murder of the first female NYPD officer Irma Lozada in 1984. Lozada’s killer was out on parole when he shot her twice in the head before abandoning her body in a vacant lot. Just recently, the notorious cop killer was once again released on parole.

the actions of NYC courts appear mindless and without thought.