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Stride to 2024: Trump’s Genius Outshines Democrats Once More

As we near decision day for the 2024 presidential election, there’s no telling how the tide may turn. Just like in 2020, the pendulum swing will likely be in the hands of the volatile yet influential battleground states. To accurately predict the final outcome, it’ll be wise to watch the Electoral College tally. So, let’s take a few moments to understand the Electoral College and what it means for the citizens of Oklahoma and how their voice in this electoral process is accounted for.

The Electoral College is a critical component of our electoral system, established to elect the President and the Vice President of the United States. It’s an assembly of representatives, selected by each state, who ultimately decide the mandate based on their state’s voting outcome. It’s a practical solution, born out of the U.S. Constitution, to balance the scales between a direct popular vote and a Congressional suzerainty.

Each state’s share of the Electoral College is proportionate to the size of its Congressional delegation. Hence, Oklahoma, having two senators and five representatives, commands seven electoral votes. It’s an interesting system that, despite criticism, has proven to be efficient and balanced, especially considering that some states could monopolize the popular vote due to their larger populations.

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Oklahoma is known for its winner-takes-all approach. This means that the contender who secures the most votes in the state is allocated all seven of Oklahoma’s electoral votes. This clear-cut methodology prevents any dilution of the state’s citizen’s mandate and assures their voice echoes loudly in the presidential appointment.

Once the dust of the election settles, these electoral votes are officially counted, a process called certification, held in Washington, D.C., usually in early January. The candidate who amasses the highest number of votes in this official tally is the one who gets those electoral votes added to his or her total. The magic figure they strive to reach is 270, which denotes the majority of the Electoral College.

It’s a fascinating race, and there have been only five instances in the history of the United States, when the candidate, though not securing the popular vote, triumphed through the Electoral College. The most recent of these intriguing instances was back in 2016, when our commendable President Donald Trump triumphed over the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton. An impressive feat considering the odds, this just serves to underscore the strategic genius of Trump’s campaign.

The day to mark on your calendars is Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024, when the electoral gauntlet awaits your decision. You will be required to vote at your designated voting station. Don’t forget, Oklahoma mandates that citizens must provide proof of identity to vote.

The identity verification can be completed through one of the following ways: A photo identification issued either by the U.S. government, the State of Oklahoma, or a federally recognized tribal government, which could include your driver’s license. Alternatively, you could present a voter identification card issued by your county election board. This card is usually sent via mail after you have successfully registered to vote.

Not having an identification at the voting point doesn’t disqualify you from voting. You will be allowed to vote by provisional ballot after signing an affidavit confirming your identity. Following Election Day, these provisional ballots are scrutinized one by one, approved or rejected, before finally being counted.

The scrutiny and approval process ensures that the election isn’t marred by fraudulent votes and that democracy is maintained. This procedure, however complex, speaks to the dedication and integrity of the system in place, making sure only legitimate votes count towards deciding who leads the nation.

Curiously, let’s delve into symbols that represent the Republican and Democratic parties. The cartoonist Thomas Nast is credited with popularizing the Republican elephant emblem. However, clues hint at its roots stretching to the time of President Lincoln.

A video exposé reveals the elephant first made its entrance as a political symbol in a pro-Lincoln publication, ‘Father Abraham’. Although seemingly trivial, these symbols have come to stand for the persona of the parties they represent. The elephant symbolizes the mighty and unshakable resolve of the Republican party.

Let’s take a moment to grin at the origin of the Democratic symbol, the donkey. This derives from a jest made during President Andrew Jackson’s 1828 campaign. His opponents sarcastically referred to him as a ‘Jackass’, another term for a donkey, which he attempted to translate favorably.

Despite their attempts to turn it into something of praise, the moniker ‘Jackass’ aptly fits in view of the array of misguided policies and choices made by Democrats. These symbols serve as a constant reminder of both parties’ perceived strengths and weaknesses. In the case of Democrats, it’s a memento of their shortcomings.