Pavel Durov, chief executive of Telegram, found himself in the custody of French authorities following his arrival at an airport to the north of Paris. As reported by French media, his private jet had just touched down at Le Bourget Airport when he was taken into custody.
It appears that the arrest of the 39-year-old tech titan was in relation to a warrant tied to his global messaging app. Reliable sources suggest that the ongoing investigation is centered on issues of insufficient moderation – an allegation Durov and Telegram have faced in the past.
Telegram, under Durov’s leadership, is being implicated in a number of illegal activities. The platform is alleged to have demonstrated reluctance to cooperate with law enforcement officials especially in investigations into drug trafficking, child exploitation, and fraudulent activities.
Telegram’s stance on these allegations has been one of fervent denial, maintaining their position that the company’s moderation efforts are adequate. An international resident, Durov was born in Russia and currently resides in Dubai, where the headquarters of Telegram is situated.
An interesting aspect of Durov’s identity is his dual citizenship – he is a national of the United Arab Emirates and France. The popularity of Telegram has grown significantly in certain parts of the world, particularly in countries such as Russia, Ukraine and the nations formed from the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
Despite its popularity, the messaging platform faced regulatory problems in Russia. In 2018, the app was prohibited after Durov declined to provide user data to the Russian government. However, this decision was later overturned in 2021.
In the realm of social media, Telegram enjoys a high rating, positioning itself right next to giants such as Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, TikTok, and Wechat. Durov brought Telegram into existence in the year 2013 and its growth trajectory has been impressive ever since.
Durov’s journey out of Russia began in 2014 when he stood firm against the government’s demands to close opposition groups on VKontakte, a social media platform he used to own. His refusal to comply led to his eventual decision to sell off the platform and move abroad.
Post Durov’s arrest, the Russian Embassy in France sought to investigate the reasons behind the brusque measures taken. They expressed their intent on Facebook to ensure the protection of Durov’s rights while facilitating their consular access.
Notably, the arrest of Durov triggered comments from Russian Foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova. She posted on Telegram, seeking answers as to whether Western human rights NGOs would remain passive after his arrest. This reaction was seen as a counter to their criticism of Russia and its stance towards Telegram back in 2018.
The arrest also sparked outrage among Russian officials who criticized the West for displaying a double standard with respect to free speech and democracy. American activist and former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, currently living in exile in Russia, defined Durov’s arrest as an encroachment on the fundamental human rights of free speech and association.
Tech mogul Elon Musk, the controversial X owner who himself faced substantial criticism over his own social media platform’s content moderation, also voiced his perspective. With a flurry of posts, Musk expressed his support for Durov, even coining a hashtag #freepavel and making a poignant remark about the future of social media freedom in a 2030 European context.
However, Telegram’s issues extend beyond this arrest. Critics point out the app’s ability to host large numbers of users in single groups lends itself to the spread of misinformation and unverified content. There is also concern about the sharing of content linked to extremism, including far-right channels in the UK believed to have been involved in orchestrating recent violent disturbance within English cities. In response, Telegram has taken some action against such groups. Yet, cybersecurity experts argue that the platform’s efforts in controlling extremist and illegal content are not on par with other social media and messaging applications.