Democrats Accuse Russia of Orchestrating 2024 Election Interference (VIDEO)


There’s no denying that the initial allure of Kamala Harris appears to be dwindling rapidly. One shouldn’t overlook that the early stages of her 2019 run were not a complete debacle. Her gloss dwindled over time, and now we’re seeing it diminish once more. Responding to this, the Democrats seem to be initiating what could be described as ‘Russiagate: The Sequel’.

The current Biden-Harris administration appears to be increasingly preoccupied with imminent threats of political interference from Russia, particularly concerning our electoral processes. Notably, just yesterday, the Attorney General Merrick Garland birthed several indictments and even executed seizures of online domains linked to the Russian interference in American elections.

However, one ought to remember that interference from external powers is not a novel or unique phenomenon. Several international entities attempt to meddle in our elections, and that’s a well-known fact. Interestingly, China has a long and distinguished history of attempting to tinker with our electoral proceedings. Likewise, Iran continues to be a player in this high-stakes game.

As such, it doesn’t come as a shock that Russia too has a vested interest in our political landscape. Strikingly, the way different media platforms approach these separate instances of interventions differ significantly. When China makes its moves, the story never seems to gain much momentum in the national media. Interferences by Iran seem to often be glossed over as well.

Focusing solely on Russia’s attempts seems to articulate an underlying narrative: a belief that Russia’s intervention is so pervasive and detrimental that it would successfully deceive the masses. This growing narrative can be interpreted as the Biden-Harris administration laying the groundwork to impose stricter regulations on social media platforms, potentially censor certain tech companies that champion free speech, and even exert control over various types of media.

Indeed, it seems like the Biden administration has every intention of capitalizing on this narrative to its full extent and undertaking actions to further it. An imminent public attribution to Russia is expected, in which the administration will allege Russia’s extensive campaign to influence the 2024 presidential elections. They seem to assert that the Kremlin uses its controlled media and online platforms to disseminate misleading information.

This forthcoming attribution is expected to be part of a broader set of activities due to be announced on Wednesday. The actions will include law enforcement endeavors aimed at containing said Russian influence – an interesting direction of operations that harks back to the events of 2020.

Back then, entities within America’s defense and intelligence community were cautioning individuals like Mark Zuckerberg to tone down circulating stories such as the Hunter Biden issue, citing potential Russian influence. It appears that the groundwork is being laid by the current Biden-Harris administration for similar actions.

The undercurrent of the situation suggests that before the campaign concludes, the Biden administration will emphasize the narrative that potential political disinformation is largely a result of Russian influence. This narrative conveniently provides a valid excuse to divert viewership and attention away from certain types of information.

In exclusive reports to CNN, multiple sources have alleged that the Russian state media outlet RT is a focal point of US countermeasures. Officials view it as a significant cog in the Kremlin’s propaganda apparatus, disseminating disinformation through both local and foreign voices. However, one needs to remain skeptical and question the actual impact this may have on the upcoming elections.

The continuous media coverage of this situation is viewed by many as an attempt to propagate a narrative – the notion that a Trump victory can only be ascribed to Russia’s successful manipulation of American voters. Yet, it’s crucial to remember that the ability of Russia to interfere in our elections through disinformative campaigns is rather restricted.

In reality, the growing opposition to the current administration is more likely to be driven by dissatisfaction with Biden’s declining popularity and Kamala Harris’s lackluster candidacy performance. Support for former President Trump remains steady and it seems to be based on stable foundations.

There are individuals who stand by Trump because of personal affinity, while for people such as myself, the real motivation comes from the positive policy direction that marked his first term in office. However, this narrative takes a backseat amid warnings of Russian interferences and disinformation campaigns.

Indeed, it’s as though we’re sitting down to watch the same film all over again. The plot seems to be replayed with slight variation, the set is known, and it invariably ends with the powers-that-be pointing a finger at foreign actors for internal dissent and political discourse.