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RFK Jr. Steers Clear from Biden Allegations, Focuses on Values


Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a candidate for the democratic presidential nomination, has quickly distanced himself from the proliferating allegations of corruption that have enveloped the Biden clan, in his latest interview.

He declined to offer any personal observations on the matter to Fox News Digital this Saturday. He remained inexplicit, saying, ‘I do not wish to comment on that.’

Kennedy’s campaign strategy seems to designate a firm focus on major issues and core democratic values, rather than homing in on personal attacks on individuals. ‘My campaign endeavors to foster an atmosphere where we discuss issues and values, not indulge in character assassinations,’ Kennedy explained.

During a conversation, Kennedy added, ‘I believe that everyone, regardless of their political leaning, should be alarmed by such allegations. However, this isn’t the prime decider of my campaign’s direction.’ Kennedy seems to tread a similar path as Senator Bernie Sanders did during the 2016 presidential run.

Sanders, an independent from Vermont, appeared to be unshaken by Hillary Clinton’s email saga back then and echoed the sentiment of not letting distractions off the track during the first primary debate.

This seems to be a growing trend among candidates to not get tangled in controversies relating to other politicians.

Recently, the storm of allegations against the Bidens’ integrity escalated when Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, settled in a deal, which some critics deemed surprisingly favorable, with the Justice Department. The deal pertained to two minor tax violations and a serious gun-related charge.

In this rising tide of allegations, two whistleblowers from the IRS came forward with another controversial claim. They maintain that Federal Attorney David Weiss of Delaware was interested in levying tougher charges in California and Washington, D.C., but his intent was unfortunately disregarded.

However, defending his own professional integrity, Weiss refuted these accounts, even in light of the fact that The New York Times was able to substantiate at least one of those leads. This discrepancy raises even more questions about the processes and judgments involved in this case.

An individual whistleblower from the FBI brought another twist. The person claimed that the DOJ was aware of a potential bribery scheme involving the Biden family and a non-U.S. entity during Biden’s tenure as Vice President.

Previously, House Republicans shared findings that allege an intricate financial network tying numerous Biden family members and countries like China and Romania.

This web supposedly contains multiple bank accounts and shell companies, thereby amplifying the air of mystery surrounding Biden’s dealings.

The cycle of revelations has brought up questions about whether or not President Biden permitted profits to be made using his family name, during his terms as Vice President and after leaving the office.

These are serious questions Conservative readers are interested in, and we believe they merit objective examination.

Moreover, the storm doesn’t seem to end there as the exposure climbs a notch with a suggestion that Biden himself benefitted from these allegedly shady deals. On one occasion, an email suggested the potential deal included a ‘10% for the big guy’, leading to myriad interpretations.

It is understood that ‘the big guy’ in the email might represent President Biden. This, if true, could potentially usher a significant wave of controversy, putting the President’s integrity in sharp focus once again.

All these incidents paint a penetrating picture of the controversies surrounding the Biden family. While Robert F. Kennedy Jr., like Bernie Sanders, chooses to play down these elements, it is clear that the questions raised carry significant weight and could influence the public’s perception.

Kennedy’s decision to not wade into the controversy reflects his own campaign style while resonating with a sentiment to look beyond personal issues in politics. Instead, he calls upon his fraction to ponder over the values and issues that are fundamental to their cause.

Despite this, it is evident that these sets of allegations against the Biden clan are creating ripples across the American political landscape. As the story unfolds further, it will be crucial to watch how it shapes the future of the Biden family and their political career.