
Rep. Mike Collins Fights for State Sovereignty in Border Security with RAZOR Act

Mike Collins

In a bid to strengthen the actions of individual states in addressing illegal immigration, a House Republican member, has proposed new legislation preventing the federal government from interfering in the construction of border barriers. This is in response to a recent move by the federal government to dismantle razor wire at the U.S. border with Mexico, a decision that has drawn strong criticism among Republicans. The legislation, known as the Restricting Administration Zealots from Obliging Raiders (RAZOR) Act, was announced by Rep. Mike Collins from Georgia.

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The RAZOR Act is a consequence of a recent Supreme Court ruling which granted the Biden administration a temporary reprieve to dismantle razor wire installations in Texas pending the resolution of a lawsuit by the state. Collins was moved to take action, stating that the act would effectively disallow the federal government from removing the border barriers installed by Texas or any other state in the United States.

‘If the Supreme Court will not permit states to defend their sovereignty and the integrity of our nation’s borders, it’s incumbent on Congress to step in. And that is precisely what the RAZOR Act is designed to do,’ Collins commented after making his announcement. He strongly believes that the current administration’s policies are making it easier for illegal aliens to enter the US, leading to a severe strain on the country’s resources.

In his view, the removal of state-erected barriers in Texas by the federal government is not justified, other than as a direct attempt to aid the inflow of illegal immigrants. He sees the Supreme Court siding with the ‘America Last’ policies of the Biden administration and underlines the importance of standing in solidarity with Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who is putting up a firm defense for his state’s sovereignty and the country at large.

Ever since Collins shared the news about the proposed RAZOR Act, he has been vocal in expressing his gratitude to various GOP members for their support as co-sponsors of the new legislation. Aligning with them demonstrates their collective stance favoring a more robust border protection effort than what is currently maintained by the federal government.

This development came out in the wake of a narrow 5-4 decision by the Supreme Court, favoring the Biden administration’s appeal to intervene and lift an appellate-level injunction. The Department of Justice had argued against the barriers, asserting that they were making it difficult for Border Patrol agents to effectively carry out their duties when it comes to those crossing the Rio Grande River.

In defense of the efforts by Texas on border protection, Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, has expressed his dissent against what he believes is the Biden administration’s failure in enforcing immigration laws. He proclaimed that Texas has every legal right to protect itself and its borders. Abbott went on further to promise continuing additions of razor wire to deter illegal migrations.

Greg Abbott has found widespread support from fellow Republican state heads, who have rallied behind the proposition to protect the Texas border. A faction within the GOP has even hinted at the idea of ignoring the Supreme Court ruling and proceeding with border protections. At the same time, there are voices from the House’s Democratic members urging President Biden to exert federal control over the Texas National Guard.

Interestingly, this issue has bridged party gaps in Congress, with an emergent consensus on a paradigm shift from the status quo, even when there’s a divergence in opinions on the appropriate action to take on the border crisis. The escalating rate of migrant crossings and the resultant pressure on sanctuary cities is a cause for concern for both Democrat and Republican leaders alike.

Indeed, last week, fourteen Democrats from the House unexpectedly chose to join ranks with the majority of Republicans, voicing their disapproval of the current administration’s border policies, which they perceive as promoting ‘open borders.’ This action represented a clear break from the standard party line.

Worthy of note is the fact that discussions on a possible border deal in the Senate are currently underway and these are enjoying bipartisan input. The discord on the national response to the border crisis has nudged both parties towards finding a unified solution to mitigate the impact of illegal immigration on the country.

At the center of these immigration discussions is the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas. His role in the Senate’s immigration negotiations is crucial despite facing possible impeachment proceedings at the committee level due to a perceived lack of adequate control over the border crisis.

With such a divergence of viewpoints, the issue of border control has become one of the key topics on the national agenda. What is clear, though, is that despite political differences, the resolution to this problem requires collective agreement and subsequent action.

Although the political backdrop is complex, the move by Collins to introduce the RAZOR Act underlines the depth of feeling within the Republican community about defending state sovereignty and tighter controls over illegal immigration at U.S. borders. His bill aligns with a trend towards more control by states and increased enforcement of existing laws.

The debate continues as to the best path forward in addressing and curbing illegal migration at borders. While some see merit in a more venerable Federal intervention, others are calling for more state autonomy and stricter border control measures. The RAZOR Act and its champion, Collins, offer an important perspective on this critical issue, pointing to the divide in America’s approach to border control.

Whatever the ultimate outcome, it is becoming increasingly clear that America’s future immigration policy must strike a careful balance between maintaining strong borders and respecting human rights – all while ensuring the political reality aligns with the nations’ immigration objectives.

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