
Putin Takes Page From Biden – Falls Asleep At Olympics As Ukraine Walks On

Never fear! The United States is not the only world power with an elderly, over authoritative President who just can’t seem to help himself from dozing off while the world is watching… 

Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared to catch some Z’s at the Beijing Olympics during the opening ceremony. Putin is seen sleeping just as athletes from Ukraine marched into the Beijing National Stadium. 

This seems like quite a coincidence, one might theorize that Putin pretended to sleep to insult Ukraine. Russia as of right now has more than 100,000 troops stationed on the Russian-Ukrainian border. 

The Russian President was awake and wide-eyed when the Russian Olympic Committee arrived. Putin stood straight up and signaled to his countries athletes. 

Putin attends the games despite Russia being banned from the games until 2023. The International Olympic Committee banned the country from competing for four years in 2019 due to the use of performance-enhancing drugs and government cover-ups.  

Due to this ban, Russians are prohibited from competing under their flag, and are unable to hear their anthem at the games. Russian athletes are instead made to compete under the ROC or Russian Olympic Committee.