
Pennsylvania is starting a FORENSIC AUDIT of the 2020 election

Almost half a year after ballots were cast Pennsylvania is facing an investigation into election integrity. 

Forbes reported, Pennsylvania state Sen. Doug Mastriano, a Republican who chairs the Senate Intergovernmental Operations Committee, said Wednesday he had sent letters to Philadelphia, York and Tioga counties asking them to turn over election materials by July 31.

This audit, unlike some others would not be any kind of recount. It would be an in depth forensic investigation.

The investigation would, figure out if ballots were filed by humans, examine voting machines, and scrutinize signatures. 

Senator Mastriano believes that the records can be obtained via subpoena if the counties attempt to conceal them.

“I believe the only way to restore confidence in our Commonwealth’s election process is to undertake a forensic investigation,”  the Pennsylvania Senator proclaimed. It is highly unlikely that anything noteworthy will be revealed through the investigation, though anything is possible.

This investigation however still bears the potential to “restore confidence” in our election process regardless of it’s outcome.

Pennsylvania is a state that had a unique position in the 2020 election. Their constitution has specific provisions for how mail in voting ought to be handled. These provisions were not followed last year, though nothing came of it.