
Pelosi Seen Maskless At Billionaire’s Wedding

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has been slammed for attending the lavish wedding of oil heiress Ivy Getty without a mask, while children in California are being forced to wear them.

Pelosi officiated the ceremony at San Francisco City Hall and photos of her close to other unmasked guests spread on social media.

She immediately faced criticism over the mask mandate for children in California schools. Critics questioned why guests at the billionaire wedding were allowed to disobey mask mandates and social distancing inside.

Reopen California Schools tweeted “And why were guests able to do this? Maskless indoors when school dances across California are cancelled and kids must keep masks on 7 hours/day including outside at recess in many parts of CA including in SF”.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom and San Francisco Mayor London Breed were also in attendance.

According to Vogue, all guests were required to be vaccinated and were asked to put their masks on when Pelosi entered.

Photos from the wedding show Pelosi surrounded by others in a crowd of people, all unmasked.

Under Newsom’s mandate, all students and teachers are required to wear masks in schools, with some students and staff being removed for not complying.