
PayPal to FINE $2,500 for Misinformation to Customers

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The Paypal policy does not expand upon what constitutes “misinformation” but one can assume what would be classified as such.

PayPal Holdings Inc has reinstated a fine of $2,500 if any user is caught spreading misinformation under their new policy.

This will include situations where the company believes that users promoted misinformation; This also includes the instances where users post, publish, and send “messages, content or materials that, in PayPal’s sole discretion, (a) are harmful, obscene, harassing, or objectionable.”

“The last two weeks have been a nightmare as I’ve scrabbled to try to stop The Daily Sceptic and Free Speech Union from going under. PayPal’s software was embedded in all our payment systems, so the sudden closure of our accounts was an existential threat,” – Toby Young

PayPal originally stated that the policy was a mistake, but have now reinstated it.

Many users are promoting to their followers to DELETE Paypal.

Will You Delete PayPal?