
NY State Senators Hold Banner Comparing 9/11 To CLimate Change

New Yorkers are outraged after two state Senators used a depiction of the September 11th terror attack to illustrate the allegedly impending disaster that will be caused by climate change. 

Senators Rachel May, and Robert Jackson are shown smiling while holding a banner that displays an airplane flying above the NYC skyline and directly towards the World Trade Center. 

In the illustration, the plane is labeled “climate change” while the buildings below have “wake up America it’s too late” written across them in red letters. The only buildings that are in the flight’s path are the twin towers, which stick out far above all the rest. 

Why would two New York State Senators think it’s a good idea to make a mockery of 9/11 and liken it to climate change? This stunt was almost certain to backfire, considering their constituents, who are New Yorkers have a shared experience and trauma from the 2001 attack. 

Rachel May, a Senator from Syracuse apologized for her insensitive gesture. She claimed that the image she so proudly held was “unacceptable”. The Senator then later claimed that she had never seen the sign. 

“I posed for numerous photos with activists and did not see the content of the sign,” she said. “The imagery on the banner is unacceptable and I would never endorse such a cynical use of our state’s history to score cheap points.” 

It would appear that Senator May, might have learned a valuable lesson – before posing with a political message and smoking… read the message.