
Newsom Announces Vaccine Mandate For K-12 Children

After overcoming the recall effort against him, Governor Gavin Newsom of California has brought the fear of so many Americans to realization.

The Governor announced that California will be the first State in the Union to require the vaccine for students attending K-12 schools. 

Fox News reported, The current plan would require students older than 12-years-old to receive the coronavirus vaccine in order to be able to attend class. This step would add the COVID-19 vaccine to the required list of childhood vaccinations required to attend school.

The vaccine requirement would be enforced after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gives the approval for different age groups to receive the shot while allowing religious and medical exemptions.

Many parents remain skeptical of injecting themselves with the still relatively new vaccine, let alone forcing it on their child who doesn’t fully understand the situation. 

With California being the first state to implement the rule, other radically blue states are bound to follow in Newsom’s foot steps as they have in the past. 

At California schools, all staff will also be required to show proof of vaccine status, or be subjected to to weekly testing. 

New York City also has a similar rule in regards to teaching staff in the work place.