New Reports Add Credibility to Claims of Corruption Involving President Joe Biden


The argument that the Justice Department failed to pursue strong cases against the Clinton and Biden presidential families is often put forward as a reason that former President Donald Trump should not be indicted. Serious presidential corruption should be held accountable, regardless of political realities.

This is particularly relevant in relation to the Bidens. New reporting by Jerry Dunleavy from the Washington Examiner adds credibility to claims of corruption involving President Joe Biden himself. According to Dunleavy, Mykola Zlochevsky, the Ukrainian owner of the Burisma energy company that hired Hunter Biden to its board, reportedly referred to Joe Biden as “the big guy” during discussions of a $5 million bribery scheme.

This is not the first time that different associates of Hunter Biden have referred to the president in this way. In fact, Tony Bobulinski, a business partner of the Biden family, released an email in 2017 that referred to “the big guy” as meaning Joe Biden.

This was corroborated by James Gilliar, another of Biden’s business partners, who used the same label in a panicked message when news broke about Hunter’s laptop computer. And now we discover that Zlochevsky also referred to “the big guy” in 2017 while discussing negotiations with a Chinese intelligence-linked businessman.

When multiple people in different circumstances consistently use the same semi-unusual name to refer to an effectively silent partner in questionable business dealings, this increases the probability that they are referring to the same person.

These reports are significant because they directly link Joe Biden himself to influence-peddling. Whether it is legal or illegal remains to be determined but an inquiry is needed.

Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed that he barely knew about – much less participated in – foreign engagements for which Hunter and Joe’s brother, Jim, were paid millions of dollars. However, these references to “the big guy” add to a growing body of circumstantial evidence that indicates otherwise.

Andrew C. McCarthy, once a high-ranking federal prosecutor on national security matters and a noted critic of Trump’s own behavior, takes a similarly hard line with Joe Biden.

McCarthy summarises the long list of unsavory and probably illegal business dealings of the Biden family as “the telltale signs of illegitimate business” with “reticulated payment arrangements featuring shell companies, complex banking channels, and money transfers to people with no clear – and sometimes no plausible – connection to the provision of goods and services”.

He adds that such business practices are strongly suggestive of money-laundering, and that so far, House Republicans have shown the use of 20 limited-liability companies for transferring funds, 15 of them established by Hunter while his father was vice president.

None of this makes sense for foreign officials unless Joe Biden himself was also involved in policy outcomes. It seems that the “big guy” and his top aides repeatedly took meetings with shady foreigners who were funneling millions of dollars to Joe Biden’s family when he was overseeing policy toward those foreign interests.

Complicated policy decisions in Ukraine, Russia, Romania, China, and elsewhere were pursued in ways seemingly beneficial to the Biden family’s benefactors. Payments were made not just to Hunter and Jim Biden but to widows, paramours and even Joe Biden’s grandchildren.

There have also been reports of FBI officials impeding investigations into Hunter Biden. With all of these indicators of corruption and three different people referring to the “big guy”, the Justice Department’s inaction seems incoherent and inexcusable, particularly when Trump is being dragged through the courts.

To ensure trust in the department, a special counsel should be appointed to investigate apparent links between Joe Biden and influence-peddling.

It is important to acknowledge that concerns regarding the Bidens do not diminish the need to hold Trump accountable for his actions. However, it is also important to recognize that ignoring apparent corruption and misconduct from either side harms public trust in the political process as a whole.

We should not allow political polarization to prevent transparency and accountability. Furthermore, the lack of action by the Justice Department regarding the Bidens only serves to generate mistrust across the political spectrum. It is essential that we hold all elected officials to account for their actions, regardless of political affiliation.

Additionally, it is disingenuous to argue that previous wrongdoings by other political families should be a reason for letting other politicians off the hook. As a society, we must be consistent in our standards of accountability and transparency. There is no excuse for brushing aside a potentially significant case of corruption, simply because of the political affiliations of the parties involved.

The Bidens must be held to the same standards as everyone else. It is not fair or productive to allow political alliances to undermine the rule of law. If the allegations of corruption are proven, then Joe Biden must be held accountable, just as anyone else would be.

It is worth noting that a lack of action by the Justice Department is not the same as an indictment of Biden or his family members. However, the reports of possible corruption certainly warrant an investigation.

If there was indeed wrongdoing and no action is taken, this would be a clear indication of unwillingness to address systemic issues in the political system.

There are many undecided questions surrounding the Bidens’ alleged wrongdoings. It is up to the Justice Department to investigate and clarify these issues so that the public can trust that political corruption, wherever it arises, will be held to account.

Ultimately, it is essential that the Justice Department is a neutral arbiter, free from political loyalties. This is the only way to ensure political transparency and accountability. If possible corruption is ignored due to political affiliations, this threatens the integrity of the entire political process.

Political corruption is unacceptable, regardless of who commits it. It is imperative that the Justice Department impartially investigates any allegations of corruption, so that we can rebuild public trust in our political institutions.

In conclusion, Joe Biden must be held accountable if there is evidence of wrongdoing. The need for impartiality and the equal application of the law is crucial if we hope to uphold the integrity of the political process and restore public trust in our elected officials.