
Nashville Shooter Wrote SICK Message on Gun before Anti-Christian Attack

The MSM wont cover this!


The shocking incident that unfolded in Nashville has left the community reeling with grief and horror. Audrey Hale, a 28-year-old transgender individual, committed a heinous act of violence that resulted in the deaths of six innocent people, including three 9-year-old children and the head of the school.

The victims of this attack included the pastor’s child, which has devastated the Christian community. The police have confirmed that written materials left behind by Hale, including a “manifesto,” prove that the attack was planned in detail and targeted specifically at the school.


The content of the manifesto has not been made public, but it is clear that the attack was an anti-Christian hate crime.

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Furthermore, Hale had taken the time to write the word “Hellfire” on her weapon with red ink, demonstrating her evil intention to cause harm to the Covenant students and teachers.

It is a chilling and disturbing detail that underscores the magnitude of this tragedy.


The Nashville police have released photos of the weapons used by Hale, which were loaded with significant ammunition. The guns also had several strange symbols inscribed on them.

It is clear that the shooter had a twisted and warped worldview, and her actions have caused untold pain and suffering for the families and loved ones of the victims.

Despite the devastation and loss, the Christian faith provides hope and comfort to those who are grieving. There is strong scriptural evidence that the shooting victims are now residing in heaven with the Lord, and that they are at peace.


The three 9-year-old children, Evelyn Dieckhaus, William Kinney, and Hallie Scruggs, will be forever remembered as innocent victims of this senseless act of violence.

As the investigation continues, the Nashville community will come together to support the families of the victims and seek justice for this horrific crime. The memory of those who lost their lives will live on, and they will never be forgotten.



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