Isn’t it completely mind-boggling to anyone else that the level of antagonism towards Elon Musk is becoming otherworldly? Not too long in the past, an Ohio legislator openly expressed her skepticism over Musk’s allegiance, despite him being a naturalized citizen for over two decades. Isn’t it ironic that the Left believes undocumented immigrants, who aren’t legal citizens, should fully enjoy the privileges and rights of citizenship? That they should, in essence, be recognized as citizens? Any questions about the loyalty of a naturalized citizen would be deemed nativist and xenophobic by the Left.
This hostility towards Musk doesn’t stop there – it comes as a part of a string of personal attacks against him. Who can forget those posters in Washington, D.C., demanding Musk’s elimination? Or the chilling episode of an Indiana man being incarcerated for broadcasting his intent to end Musk’s life online? The targeted slander against him seems relentless and unabated.
An egregious incident on live television was when Representative Robert Garcia from California publicly resorted to unsavory language against Musk. Even when cornered, his response was unusually combative, suggesting a violent approach. Moreover, an overzealous minister from Tennessee, Steve Caudle, didn’t hold back in his disdain for Musk, labeling him as satanic and diabolical from his pulpit.
Building on this narrative, Caudle stressed upon the necessity to counter such demonic tendencies, endorsed at times through violent measures. All these incidents when considered together paints an increasingly worrying picture – it’s as though the benchmark for what’s acceptable has spiraled downwards dramatically.
We are talking about a man who played a pivotal role in the revival of the U.S. space program. If not for Musk, two brave astronauts may not have made it back to Earth, left floundering in the void of space. Considering everything, it sure looks like a grim turn of events to see such a man demonized, labeled disloyal and treacherous.
What is it that makes Musk so deserving of this stinging castigation, you may wonder. The majority of it points towards his criticism of the skyrocketing national debt and deficits. He has raised questions about the staggering $36 trillion debt, the $1.5-$2 trillion, and even Joe Biden’s whopping $5 trillion and $6 trillion deficits. He has suggested that such excesses are fundamentally unsustainable.
Musk’s proposition includes a series of revenue enhancements and significant cuts to unnecessary programs, which he believes have the potential to bring us closer to attaining a balanced budget. It’s important to remember that he doesn’t pocket any public fund himself. While he doesn’t lead a government agency, numerous deputies and agency heads under him don’t require any confirmation – like the national security adviser of the United States.
This entire episode harks back to another scenario we’ve seen before with Donald Trump. On the cusp of the first assassination attempt being plotted against him, Joe Biden was stirring up sentiment by telling a crowd that it was time they targeted Trump. His speech was filled with dramatic talk of semi-fascist and ultra-MAGA threats to the republic.
Around the same period, The New Republic ran a controversial cover story depicting Elon Musk as Hitler, complete with a faux mustache that was unmistakably Hitler-like. Such comparisons, attack on his character, and outright propaganda against him were commonplace. Evidently, the intensity of discourse was not only dipping but also veering towards dangerous territory.
The repercussion was a change in behavior marked by an acceptance of two assassination attempts against Musk. To quote an example, retired generals did not shy away from equating Musk’s actions to that of figures who ran terrifying concentration and death camps like Auschwitz. He was also likened to Mussolini, of all people.
Such public discourse has disturbing implications, especially on its cumulative effect – where it leads to a tacit approval of unacceptable behavior, as evident from the assassination attempts. It is a dangerous cycle, and it seems to be gaining momentum.
This concern isn’t simply theoretical. The escalating rhetoric has consequences, and past instances have shown that it can incite individuals, like that Indiana man or Tennessee minister, to make open calls for violence against pillar figures like Musk.
In conclusion, it’s imperative that the Left take the high road instead of participating in or perpetuating this distasteful rhetoric. Shifting this incessant dialogue towards destructive action could have dire consequences, with responsibility sitting squarely on their shoulders. This isn’t about stifling criticism but avoiding unwarranted vilification of important figures.
Finally, it seems absurdly unjust to degrade a quintessential American citizen, a man who is self-made and contributes significantly to our space exploration and auto industry, to a level equivalent to some of the worst mass murderers in history. It’s high time to put a halt to this narrative.