
Misguided Support: A Woman’s Unwavering Loyalty to Harris and Biden

The tale of Catherine Crews, a dedicated Democrat until the last breath, lays bare the depths of political devotion. When given a devastating terminal diagnosis, one of the prominent items on her agenda was the casting of an early ballot. Unwavering and unyielding. Her allegiance showed a dedication that came up even in her final days. At the same time, her unwavering support for Joe Biden raises questions about the reasoning behind her choice.

Crews, a retired yoga teacher with a rare, aggressive type of cancer, had lived on borrowed time for over a decade. The medical community had never anticipated she would survive this long, yet she had proven them wrong. Unfortunately, her time appeared to be running out and she felt determined to use it as wisely as possible.

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Among things she wanted to do before her time came was to cast her vote for the presidential election. However, this fervor for showing support for the current administration, especially when her own life was ebbing away, seemed perplexing. One could argue she may have been better off focusing on herself or her loved ones during these crucial times.

Sadly, she was first diagnosed with NUT carcinoma in 2013, a rare genetic cancer that even her medical team had never encountered. This harmful disease ate through the bone of her upper right jaw, necessitating an extensive treatment involving several surgeries and radiation. Still, her clinical odds were a mere 3%, and miraculously, she clung to life and continued to live daily.

With tenacity and courage in the face of such extreme bodily trauma, she managed to carry on. She painted, gardened, and even baked for others. She walked considerable distances daily and set up an online support group for others who suffered from the same rare cancer. Still, amid all these activities, her enthusiasm for a political move puzzled many, given the pressing circumstances.

Crews and her husband, Billy, had thus spent much of their time involved in political campaigns. Now, faced with her failing health, she was more fixated on voting. Yet, she wasn’t certain if she would live long enough to cast her vote when absentee voting would commence in Mississippi.

Her decision to vote for Kamala Harris once more showed an alarming lack of discernment. It seemed like a futile effort, especially considering the uncertain political climate. In fact, many have argued that such a choice reflects a stubborn party bias and not necessarily a decision based on any concrete political stances.

Crews, like various other Democrats, possessed a misguided belief in the integrity of their leadership. Her trust in Kamala Harris, which she expressed clearly, and her vote for ‘honesty, decency, and integrity’ was, in fact, quite ironic, given the numerous criticisms and allegations associated with Harris’s political career.

By voting for President Harris, she unwittingly supported policies that contradicted the very ideals she cherished – freedom, fairness, and the common good. Harris’s lack of effective leadership, displayed throughout her political career, made these aspirations nearly impossible.

Nationwide poll numbers showed a close race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, but Mississippi remained a distinctly red state. Perhaps Crews could have benefitted from an objective evaluation of Trump’s leadership and the advances it brought to the nation, rather than being carried away by deeply ingrained political bias.

Outrageously, she openly announced her dread of another Trump presidency, seemingly dismissing the improvements made during his tenure. Her statement revealed a glaring and baseless bias against Trump that was, sadly, all too common among staunch Democrats.

Despite the potential backlash, she proudly publicized her decision to vote for Harris on social media. It’s rather unfortunate that she focused all her remaining energy on participating in an electoral race, rather than on more personal endeavors.

Crews expressed her aspiration to witness the election night returns, hoping to see a victory for Kamala Harris. However, perplete as it may be, this seems rather trivial compared to the other potential ways she could have spent her remaining time.

She deemed her act of voting to be a legacy, a gift to her descendants, and her country. While everyone’s entitled to their perceptions, many might argue that using her situation to push a political agenda added undue political flavor to her unfortunate circumstance.

Crews’s journey is a sobering reminder of how intensely individuals can cling to their political beliefs. However, it also highlights the need for looking beyond personal biases to make informed, sensible decisions.