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Liz Cheney Endorses Kamala Harris After Warning How Radical She Was

Liz Cheney

Liz Cheney, a previous Representative hailing from Wyoming, unexpectedly endorsed the Vice President, Kamala Harris for her presidential bid during a recent speech at Duke University. Not letting go of her conservative roots, she cautioned against the looming threat she believes is posed by Trump, stating that the warning signs should be more than enough to prevent him from receiving votes in the forthcoming elections.

In Cheney’s perspective, given the nature of her home state as a swing state, casting votes for write-in candidates is not a leisurely option available to the voters. Standing steadfast in her commitment to the Constitution and conservative values, she communicated her deep thought process on the voting conundrum.

She candidly expressed her resolution to not only withhold her vote from Trump due to the perceived threat but announced she would actively cast her vote in favor of Kamala Harris. This was surprising for many as her previous stance against Harris had been rather aggressive.

During the Democratic primaries of 2020, Cheney was seen as a fierce critic of Harris, aggressively campaigning against her. Upon Biden’s selection of Harris as his vice-presidential running mate, Cheney returned to the offensive, challenging Harris on a variety of fronts.

Cheney in a past communique stated her belief that ‘Harris’ ideologies are fundamentally radical and leans towards liberal extremism, causing significant increment in taxes, limiting gun ownership and health insurance, and exponentially expanding the federal government’s involvement.’ She expressed her worry that Harris intends to overhaul America along the chaotic lines of Portland and Seattle, promising not to afford her the opportunity.

In addition to her apprehensions about Harris’ liberal leanings, Cheney criticized Harris’ stance on voting rights for convicted terrorists. She sarcastically commented on the perceived plan as an ‘Absentee ballots for al Qaeda’ program jointly initiated by Harris and Bernie Sanders, in response to comments from a CNN town hall meeting.

With healthcare as a major concern for many, Cheney rebuked Harris for allegedly misleading the public on her healthcare agenda. Expressing disbelief on how effortlessly Harris deceived a senior citizen from Iowa about her healthcare plan, she called out her claims as misleading.

Harris sought to convince the public of her ability to institute a government takeover of healthcare, while simultaneously ensuring the continuance of coverage for current Medicare recipients. Cheney responded to these assurances with skepticism, branding them as hollow promises.

Cheney took her critique of Harris to the leading news networks, continuing her attack by underlining Harris’s record in the U.S. Senate. She classified her as an extreme leftist, reiterating her belief that Harris’s endorsed policies could potentially wreak havoc on millions of Americans.

Here’s A Flashback Of Liz Cheney Calling Kamala Harris A Radical Liberal