
Legal Accusation Emerges Against Jermaine Jackson over 1988 Sexual Assault

A legal action has been launched against Jermaine Jackson, accusing him of an alleged sexual assault on a woman during the year 1988. The plaintiff, Rita Butler Barrett, lodged her grievance in the Superior Court of Los Angeles County on a Wednesday. As per the accusations, the renowned member of the celebrated Jackson 5 committed various offenses including sexual maltreatment, sexual invasion, sexual battery, negligence, and sexual violation.

According to Barrett, the alleged violation happened in her residence during 1988. The claim specifies that Jackson, who is currently 69, forcefully entered the domicile, committed a violent sexual assault against her, and subsequently departed the scene post the completion of his nefarious act. ‘At the instant of the assault, the plaintiff prayed fervently for divine intervention. Such was the intensity of the assault that she trembled for her safety and existence,’ Barrett’s lawsuit states.

Barrett was acquainted with Jackson for a substantial period before the harrowing incident took place. She was connected to him through her husband Ben Barrett, who was professionally involved with Berry Gordy, the creator of Motown Records. As per her statements, she has reasons to believe that Gordy had professional or managerial ties with Jackson during that period.

After the occurrence, Barrett maintains that she reported the distasteful incident to Gordy, who was presumably aware of Jackson’s actions. However, Gordy chose to cover up the truth and bury the allegations. According to her, Gordy’s motives were to not let the reality tarnish their reputations or hamper the possibility of making profits from Jackson’s ever-flourishing career.

Gordy, as Barrett proclaims, covered up the situation in the hopes that Jackson and those associated with his success could continue to earn profits and continue to excel in their professions. All this was presumably done with the intention to maintain the upward trajectory of Jackson’s career and to keep the profits flowing.

Barrett’s claim highlights that the traumatic assault left her with ‘extreme emotional, physical, and psychological scars, which includes feelings of humiliation, guilt and intense shame, leading to economic setbacks, reduced economic potential, and a lifelong emotional disturbance.’ The ramifications of the ordeal caused her irreparable harm and lifelong suffering.

Besides Jackson, the legal action also named Jermaine L. Jackson Music Productions, Inc. and Work Records, Inc as co-defendants, holding them accountable for the alleged assault. These entities are implicated in the case due to their association with Jackson during the time of the incident.

Jackson, a music legend, shot to fame in 1969 as a key part of the Jackson 5. Along with his siblings Jackie, Tito, Marlon, and the world-renowned Michael Jackson, the family band gained immense popularity and created a series of unforgettable Motown classics.

The Jackson 5 grew into a musical sensation with their unforgettable hits like ‘I’ll Be There’, ‘I Want You Back’, and ‘ABC’. Their songs not only topped the charts but also left an indelible mark on the history of music.

In addition to being a part of the Jackson 5, Jermaine had a well-recognized career as a solo artist during the 70s and 80s. His personal contributions to music were recognized in the form of his hit singles, adding to the legacy of his already illustrious family.

His successful solo journey in the music industry was marked by the hits such as ‘Daddy’s Home’ and ‘Let’s Get Serious’. These solo projects not only augmented his reputation but also played a significant role in defining the music of that era.