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Las Vegas Review-Journal Endorses Trump for President


Although the events surrounding January 6th, 2021 have cast a shadow on an otherwise illustrious political career, there are still those, like the Las Vegas Review-Journal, who believe that ex-President Donald Trump deserves an endorsement for the upcoming November polls. Their reasoning? The inadequate performance of the present administration, particularly in areas such as inflation management, the border crisis, and notable policy vacillations by Vice President Kamala Harris. The unsteadiness of recent times has created a fraught political environment and left voters feeling concerned and insecure.

The publication in a recent Tuesday op-ed commented on the tumultuous state of US politics, stating, ‘The raging tempest of historical events often takes unpredictable turns. The political landscape is strewn with uncertainties, and both dominant parties share the jitters felt by many citizens.’

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The past few months have indeed been notably volatile, with an account of events reading like a high-stakes political thriller. Included in the narrative are two failed assassination attempts on Trump, his conviction on 34 felony charges in New York, a pivotal debate against then-President Joe Biden, which ultimately resulted in Biden’s withdrawal from the race. The baton was then passed to Kamala Harris, leading to her becoming the Democrat nominee.

The swift promotion of the previously lackluster VP, who had failed to capture the public during her bid for the Oval Office in 2020, led to an intense drive to refurbish her image. According to the Review-Journal, Harris was miraculously transformed into an emblem of joy and presented as a figure akin to three iconic leaders – a combination of Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and Mahatma Gandhi.

The Nevada publication also highlighted a hyperbolic depiction of Harris. Once a left-leaning, defund-the-police advocate from San Francisco, she’s now portrayed as a relentless enforcer of border security. This was in sharp contrast to her previous stance and demonstrated a flip-flop on other crucial matters such as energy, healthcare and the Senate filibuster.

Allegedly to further this charade, Harris has demonstrated selectivity in her interviews, avoiding freewheeling discussions unless she could count on benign inquiries lobbed at a leisurely pace.

Trump’s mishandling of the January 6th events is not without criticism. His propensity for nursing past grudges aren’t beneficial, and his claims of any electoral defeat being the result of manipulation appear childish and ludicrous. The critique from the Las Vegas Review-Journal is succinct: ‘His response to the Jan. 6 incident: disappointing and inexcusable.’

Regardless, Trump’s record during his tenure as POTUS offers plenty for the undecided voter to consider. The Review-Journal points out, ‘Despite whatever one might think of him, the world didn’t come to a standstill during his presidency.’ The Republican’s term in office was marked by a relatively stable global environment and a buoyant American economy.

The paper also noted that during Trump’s presidency, the specter of inflation was mostly absent, and the nomination of judges showed a commendable respect for constitutional limits on governmental power. Under Trump’s leadership, the security at the southern border was strengthened and the quick rollout of coronavirus vaccines was achieved.

When comparing the period from 2017 to 2021, being Trump’s term, with the current Biden-Harris tenure, some stark differences emerge. The national debt has burgeoned to an astronomical $35 trillion, and inflation rates hover at a high nine percent.

Furthermore, property prices have skyrocketed, a phenomenon even Las Vegas isn’t immune from. Raised interest rates pose significant challenges for prospective homeowners and add further burdens to families with credit card and other forms of debt.

The issue on everyone’s mind: the border crisis. The Review-Journal criticizes the seeming indifference of the Biden-Harris administration, which they argue has led to millions of unauthorized immigrants entering the country and straining resources to the point where even mayors of democratic cities are pleading for assistance.

Harris’s assurance that she wouldn’t have altered her administrational approach does little to assuage the widespread skepticism and dissatisfaction expressed by voters. Regardless, the Review-Journal suggests that when the policy outcomes of Mr. Trump’s four-year term are stacked up against those of the Biden-Harris team, the choice becomes clearer.

There’s a palpable sense of dissatisfaction amongst voters regarding the choices they face in the upcoming election. According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, ‘Voters are understandably disenchanted with the choices that lie before them in November. They are not without justification.’

However, after analyzing the policy outcomes of Trump’s tenure compared to those of the Biden-Harris regime, the Review-Journal reaches a distinct conclusion: imperfections aside, Donald Trump is the preferable choice for the upcoming election.