
Kentucky Lawmakers Push for Voting Privilege to Remain with U.S. Citizens 


Kentucky lawmakers are proactively addressing the current widespread concerns around illegal immigration that has swelled under the prevailing national leadership. The legislators are focusing their efforts on ensuring the sanctity of future elections within their state. As reported by the West Virginia Record, the introduction of a new bill is aimed at ratifying the fundamental definition of a voter: a U.S. citizen.

State Representative Michael Meredith spearheads this initiative through his primary sponsorship of House Bill 341. This bill is specifically designed with the intention of fortifying the electoral process, nurturing the pillars of voting rights. An interesting nuance of this legislation is its proposal to bring the matter to the citizens by marking its presence on the general election ballot.

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The ballot measure will embody the question of whether voters wish to ‘exclusively reserve the right to vote in the Commonwealth of Kentucky to U.S. citizens.’ The precise terminology to be ingrained in the state Constitution reads: ‘Only a citizen of the United States shall have the privilege to vote in this state.’

In an analogous development this week, the State Senate President of West Virginia, Craig Blair, proposed a similar resolution. His proposal also advocates for a state constitutional amendment with the same implications. These events exhibit a synchronic movement across these states to secure the electoral process.

There’s also a proposed legislative change brewing in the Virginia General Assembly, brought forward by a delegate. The bill demands that Virginia inhabitants provide evidence of U.S. citizenship, such as a birth certificate, passport, or documents pertaining to naturalization, when they register to vote, as reported by credible sources.

The organization Americans for Citizen Voting extended their support for the Kentucky bill. They commended it as a ground-breaking initiative and lauded it as a significant stride towards upholding the probity of Kentucky’s electoral mechanism.

One of the bill’s advocates, Rep. Killian Timoney, expressed his conviction regarding the necessity of this bill. He insisted that ‘preserving the authenticity of our democratic process is a responsibility I hold dear.’ He added, ensuring the right to vote remains exclusive to U.S. citizens reassures that the choices made in elections truly mirror the desires and values of our community.

Timoney further emphasized that the essence of our democracy resides in prioritizing the rights and duties of citizens. He believes this fortifies the base upon which our exceptional state is built. He sees this bill as a crucial step towards maintaining that foundation.

During the assembly of the Kentucky House Standing Committee on Elections, Constitutional Amendments, and Government Affairs held on January 25, Representative Meredith shared the reasoning behind this bill. His explanation came in response to the apprehensions vocalized by another law specialist, highlighting the bill’s aim to restrict voting rights exclusively for citizens.

He alluded to precedents set in cities like New York, California, and Maryland where non-citizens were permitted to participate in school elections. These examples have stood the test of time, however, he clarified that the language of the current regulations caters to citizens but fails to expressly prohibit non-citizens from voting.

Earlier this month, there was a significant legal battle over Ohio’s rigorous voter ID law. The law, which includes a photo clause, met with a challenge which was ultimately rejected by the court. A Democratic law firm had raised questions about the legality of the provisions, including a photo ID, ballot drop box restrictions and stringent deadlines related to absentee and provisional ballots, as reported by ABC News.

In a landmark judgment, U.S. District Judge Donald Nugent, appointed by former President Bill Clinton, upheld the legality of the Ohio photo ID requirement. He asserted its placement as no more than a minimal encumbrance to the vast majority of voters.

The judge ruled that voters do not have a constitutional right to mail-in or early voting options. He further emphasized that Ohio’s amended schedule for obtaining and submitting absentee ballots remains more liberal than those followed by 30 other states.

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