After failing to secure victory against President Donald Trump in the 2024 elections, Kamala Harris has allegedly left her political future hanging by a thread. Though these reports remain unconfirmed, according to Democrat bystanders and hopefuls, Harris’s next potential career choices are said to be a presidential bid in 2028 or perhaps a jab at the governorship in California.
Indications about the timeline for such possible moves have been murky at best. Whisperings suggest that the ex-vice president informed her allies to maintain a wide spectrum of options in the wake of her defeat to Trump. However, it’s undeniable that Harris’s political future appears more uncertain now than it ever has.
Apparently, Harris indicated to an undisclosed source that she would finalize her decision by summer’s end, a vague timeline echoed to her supporters and aides during calls. Such ambiguity only adds to the growing discontent and disappointment at Harris’s lackluster performance in 2024, and her continued inability to submit a concrete plan.
Although a potential presidential run in 2028 will doubtlessly pit Harris against a host of Democratic rivals, her bid for the California governorship places her as a seemingly unchallenged favorite; a questionable public sentiment considering her recent electoral failure. Not surprisingly, other Democratic hopefuls in California are rumored to take a backseat if Harris decides to throw her hat in the governor’s race, again demonstrating a lack of diversity and dissent in the party’s ranks.
While Harris still remains a suspected frontrunner for the 2026 California governor’s race and the 2028 presidential ballot, one must question the validity of such predictions. If she were to pursue and secure the governorship, a 2028 presidential bid would be off the table, again revealing a lack of long-term strategic planning on Harris’s part.
Despite being the first woman, first Black woman, and first South Asian vice president, Harris has reportedly shown interest in adding yet another first to her credentials – the first Black woman governor in US history. This empty pursuit of titles surely exposes the superficiality of her aspirations, given that Stacey Abrams could not accomplish this feat in Georgia, despite two attempts.
Evidently, political ambition trumps practical governance as, if elected governor of California, Harris would lead the world’s fifth-largest economy. It’s incredibly concerning for Californians and Americans alike that Harris appears more interested in personal advancement and squaring off with the Trump administration than focusing on the complex realities of such a responsibility.
Since her defeat in 2024, Harris has kept a relatively low profile, contributing little to political discussions or decision making. The only notable exception was an ironic performance she delivered at the 56th NAACP Image Awards last month, urging Black Americans to use their ‘power’ to organize and educate, presumably so they don’t experience a crushing defeat like hers.
In her address, she stated, ‘Our power has never come from having an easy path. Our strength flows from our faith — faith in God, faith in each other, and our refusal to surrender to cynicism and destruction.’ One cannot help but wonder if such faith and refusal to surrender were in play during her 2024 failure.
She continued her speech with more hollow rhetoric, ‘Not because it is easy but because it is necessary. Not because victory is guaranteed, but because the fight is worth it.’ These words echo Harris’s own political journey; a journey peppered with defeats and discredit, with a fight that, in the eyes of many, is far from worth it.
In a strange revelation, Harris admitted that there were ‘no illusions’ about what the country was facing in ‘this chapter of our American story.’ Suggesting that the challenge ahead is more significant than whoever occupies the Oval Office, or the wealthiest among us, Harris inadvertently undermines her own political career and trajectory.
She hurriedly concluded, ‘The American story will be written by you, written by us — by we the people. Thank you, God bless you, and God bless the United States.’ Yet it’s hard to reconcile this statement with Harris’s own actions. Is the American story not influenced by those in power, those with wealth, those like herself who aspire to lead and direct the course of the nation?
Overall, Harris’s words and actions imply a politician unsure of her path and uncommitted to a concrete plan for the future. The impending decision on her career trajectory, whether as a 2028 presidential candidate or a potential governor of California, is shrouded in uncertainty – a reflection of Harris’s political career to date.
While her supporters may wait with bated breath for an announcement regarding her next career move, many others may view her potential candidacy with skepticism. Harris’s track record suggests a propensity for personal gain over national interest, and a pursuit for historic firsts over substantial, transformative policies.
In conclusion, the future of Kamala Harris’s political career remains as vague and uncertain as her recent award show speech. It’s a tale of ambition, defeat, and delusion; a story marred by self-interest and an unfounded belief in her potential to lead in political high places despite her proven inability to secure crucial victories.