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Joe Rogan’s Praise for RFK Jr. Sparks Trump’s Ire

Eminent podcaster Joe Rogan had been heard complimenting Robert F. Kennedy Jr., leaving Donald Trump seemingly disgruntled. The Republican presidential nominee even went ahead to indicate on Friday that aficionados of UFC might exhibit their dislike towards Rogan – a podcast host and mixed martial arts fanatic, the subsequent time he graces a match with his presence. This entire situation began with Rogan discussing political figures on his show, ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’, where he elucidated why the independent candidate for the presidency makes practical sense to him.

Rogan emphasized, ‘He doesn’t assault individuals, rather he critiques their actions and principles’. Further clarifying his viewpoints, he added Thursday’s episode, ‘But he demonstrates a much higher level of reasoning and intellect.’ These statements led to a significant stir among Trump’s supporters, pushing them to infer that Rogan might be advocating for Kennedy. However, Rogan soon cleared the air, by specifying explicitly on X, the new social platform formerly known as Twitter, that his words shouldn’t be misconstrued as an official endorsement.

Rogan clarified his stance, ‘This is simply an expression of my admiration for RFKjr as a human being. I also genuinely value the way he converses about things with decency and intelligence. I believe our world could definitely benefit from more of such demeanor’. Trump, however, did not find these praises palatable, having heard Rogan speak favorably about his competitor.

Taking to his Truth Social platform, Trump expressed his anticipation of the audience potentially booing Rogan at his next appearance at the UFC event. His exact words were, ‘Next time Rogan makes his entrance into the UFC Ring, he might not get the usual applause’. Whether the audience will react as Trump suggested is yet to be seen.

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Although Rogan is recognized for commentating at multiple MMA fights, he isn’t confirmed to be a part of the UFC’s next pay-per-view on Aug. 17, as stated by MMA Fighting, the news outlet. Naturally, the reaction from the former president to Rogan’s praises for Kennedy catalyzed a barrage of thoughts among the public.

Several commenters voiced the view that Trump’s reactions regarding Rogan demonstrate a sign of defeat. As Trump elaborated on his Truth Social platform on Friday afternoon, ‘Will Rogan face BOOS rather than cheers when he steps into the UFC Ring next time? That might be an interesting sight to witness. Make America Great Again – 2024.’

Rogan, however, wasn’t the lone podcaster garnering attention over Kennedy’s praises. Political commentator Tim Pool, after indicating his intent to vote for Kennedy on Friday, was thanked personally by the candidate for his faith in him, for being a strong advocate of the Constitution, and for his unwavering love for the nation.

Pool’s comments, though, put him in an unexpected situation, compelling him to rectify that he wasn’t serious about his Kennedy voting intentions. Instead, he was simply stirring the pot to rile up the haters and in actuality, planned on casting his vote for Trump.