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Jennifer Garner’s Misguided Love Affair with Kamala Harris & Dems

As the election looms, it appears that celebrities, including Jennifer Garner, feel compelled to express their political affiliations. Notably, Garner recently indicated her support for Kamala Harris. Her support was showcased in a video post on Instagram where she conversed with none other than the former adviser to Biden, Susan Rice. Wordsmiths they must be, their so-called ’13 reasons to vote’ were truly a sight to behold.

The duo began their political script with the classic ‘voting for democracy’ mantra, before swooping into a discussion about their progressive vision for America. Clearly symbolism over substance was their game, conveniently ignoring the myriad problems that come with such a utopian vision. Discourse that followed was a testament to their virtue signaling which was, to say the least, impressive.

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The two continued by discussing ‘reproductive rights’, conveniently neglecting to mention the ongoing debate about the rights of the unborn. With the kind of subtlety afforded only to those in a bubble of likeminded thinkers, Rice implied that these issues were incontrovertible. Garner then mentioned the ‘child tax credit’, perhaps not knowing that such economic levers are best implemented by those who understand them – big-government Democrats are not exactly known for their economic prowess.

Rice suddenly had the genius idea to suggest the government give out $50,000 for people to start a new business. One can’t help but marvel at the blatant attempt at vote buying with taxpayer money. Garner followed suit with house down payments, but again, one can’t help but wonder why they think penalizing hardworking taxpayers and throwing money around is the solution to America’s problems.

Rice then made a bold statement about ‘standing by our allies and being strong in the world’. Surely Rice must recall the dull foreign policies under Biden’s reign, which are hardly reflective of ‘standing by our allies’. Garner followed, suggesting we needed ‘a person of character and integrity in the White House’, perhaps not knowing such qualities are subjective and vary widely depending on one’s political leaning.

Rice suggested that unifying the country was high on their leader’s agenda. Interestingly, this unity apparently also extends to their proposed ‘care for childcare workers’ by ensuring they’re paid a ‘living wage’. One might ask: whose idea of a living wage? Garner’s Hollywood enriched one, or that of the common voter who isn’t earning millions?

Rice began to wrap up their dialog, rallying on about preserving and extending the Affordable Care Act – perhaps not noticing how disastrous the plan was for the middle-class families. Then, in a crescendo of orchestrated pander, Garner ended with ‘How about vote for Kamala’—the ultimate punchline.

Beneath this whole ‘let’s rally together for Kamala’ were undertones of: ‘our future relies on this vote.’ Again, an obvious appeal to emotion attempting to distract from the Democrats’ flawed policy proposals. Garner went on to add further sugar coating to Kamala, expressing her trust and admiration.

Garner has known Kamala for almost two decades, that much she admitted. She praised her toughness against ‘bullies and abusers’, highlighting her seemingly limitless courage in standing for what is considered ‘right’—again omitting the fact that such notions of ‘right and wrong’ vary drastically from person to person.

Garner went on about her beliefs about Harris’s care for families, women, and children. One can’t help but wonder if this same care extends to unborn children, or families who are struggling under capitalism-stifling policies administered by Democrats.

Garner seems to think that Kamala Harris is a beacon of hope, reminding Americans that it’s okay to love their country—a sentiment one would expect all engaged politicians to share, indeed. But it’s interesting how Garner seems to appeal more to nebulous feelings than hard policy and facts.

As she wrapped up, she expressed gratitude, attributing joy to the prospects of Harris’s presidency. This ‘New Way Forward’ she referred to was decorated with her vocal pledging of allegiance to Kamala for President.

In reality, this entire dialogue was a well-scripted performance designed to sway voters to the Democrats’ cause. The inherent fallacy of their arguments lies within the assumption that their perspective is not only the morally superior one, but also the economically superior. Unfortunately, that’s not a given.

The endorsement of celebrities like Jennifer Garner can have a significant influence, pushing narratives that may seem highly desirable at a first glance. However, when you break down what is essentially a theatric showcase, the veneer cracks and reveals the one-sided nature of their message.

This is not unexpected. As we’ve witnessed countless times before, Hollywood doesn’t shy away from manipulating a narrative. This is just more proof of their allegiance to the Democrats, despite the glaring errors in their policy agenda.