The bold declaration from the former President on his social media platform caught many by surprise: Hunter Biden’s security detail was to be revoked. This move was not directed at any government official, but instead was aimed at the son of former President Joseph R. Biden Jr., Hunter Biden. The announcement, abrasively distinctive of the former President, also revealed the location of Hunter’s vacation, which astoundingly was in a country with questionable human rights record, of all places, South Africa.
Hunter Biden, the progeny of Joseph R. Biden Jr., has been under the scathing lens of the former President for a considerable period. The decision to withdraw the Secret Service protection of Hunter and his sister, Ashley, was disclosed on a Monday night, causing a stir among the circles closely following the developments.
The former President, in his signature style, did not only announce that Hunter would be stripped off his protection immediately, but also shed light on his exact location. The President took advantage of the moment to highlight that Hunter was choosing to holiday in South Africa, a nation whose record on human rights is not exactly praiseworthy.
This act was seen as a culmination of the former president’s recent preoccupations. Returning to the political fore, he seems to have developed a stronger zeal to single out his predecessor and the Biden family for ongoing scrutiny. Concurrently, he has also been vocal about the situation of white farmers in South Africa, post the apartheid era.
The incident that brought together both these points of focus of the former President was the former president’s termination of Secret Service protection for the Biden siblings. It became evident after this act that any opportunity that tied the Bidens to critiqueable situations would be seized upon.
These events followed an opinion piece in The New York Post, published on a Sunday, which talked about Biden’s vacation in South Africa and the costs his security detail was incurring. Upon being questioned about this topic at Kennedy Center, Trump confirmed he had just become aware of it. However, he did express keen interest and promised to ‘take a look at it’.
Surely enough, it was only a matter of few hours before the former President delivered his ‘interesting’ take on the subject. This was made evident through a social media post. It seems there is no off switch to the former President’s exuberance and reflexive need to comment on the Biden family.
The audience observed with muted awe as the former President embarked on his vengeful journey once again, post his second entry into the Oval Office. The power to revoke Secret Service protection from those he views as adversaries seems to be his favourite playing card. One might start to believe this power was abused a bit.
The diminishing grace with which the former President seems to handle the Biden family certainly raises eyebrows. It appears as though personal grudges are driving major decisions, often at the cost of professional decorum and traditional political subtlety.
Attempting to make sense of the motives behind these actions, it’s feasible that the humiliations suffered in the political sphere have left a deep-rooted animosity in the former President, especially towards the Biden family. This, in turn, instigated the series of incidents leading to the pardon of his own son.
While the very precise reasons for this bitter hostility remain enigmatic, it’s abundantly clear that the Biden family, specifically Hunter and Ashley, are on the receiving end of a unique battery of actions. Their adherence to a sense of normalcy in such a caustic political atmosphere speaks volumes about their resilience.
The former President’s relentless pursuit of a vendetta against the Biden family, explicitly demonstrated in his revoking of Hunter’s Secret Service protection, is an action fraught with implications far beyond the immediate impact. It not only defies expectations of a former President’s conduct but also risks creating a more divisive political environment in the future.