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House Republican Investigates Suspicious Transfer of Hunter Biden’s Stake in Chinese Linked Investment Firm

Former Federal Prosecutor Calls for Congressional Investigation into Hunter Biden’s Stake in Chinese Company


A prominent House Republican is investigating the suspicious transfer of Hunter Biden’s stake in a Chinese government-linked investment firm. Kevin Morris, who is a close confidante of Hunter Biden, seems to be the current owner of Skaneateles, an LLC through which Hunter held his 10% share in the Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Company, also known as BHR. Rep. James Comer (R-KY), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, wants Morris to provide records and raise concerns about his ownership of BHR.

Comer said that the circumstances surrounding Hunter’s transfer of his interest are mysterious and that the Oversight Committee is investigating the Biden family’s business practices.Andy McCarthy, a contributing editor at National Review and a former federal prosecutor, stated that if this was a Trump story, it would be the only story in the media and on Capitol Hill.

McCarthy claims that Hunter has silently transferred his stake’s entity, Skaneateles LLC, in an opaque transfer with Kevin Morris. McCarthy argues that given a 10% stake in BHR that could be worth millions of dollars, it would enable China to exert influence over the Bidens, and investigating the matter should be a congressional priority. He fears foreign actors targeting the Biden family and posing a national security threat.

It’s unclear when Morris gained control of the BHR stake, but the Washington Examiner has obtained copies of the business records, including an Amended and Restated Joint Venture Contract, dated earlier this year. The business record states that the managing member for Skaneateles is now P. Kevin Morris. Morris’s first name is Patrick, but he goes by Kevin. He is a wealthy Hollywood A-list lawyer who is best known for representing the creators of South Park and helping co-produce their Broadway musical, The Book of Mormon.

The Chinese company BHR, which Hunter Biden had a share in through Skaneateles, has a history of investing in controversial Chinese firms sanctioned by the US government. It has teamed up with a Chinese defense company that has been accused of assisting the Kremlin war effort in Ukraine and has helped build up the Russian military. BHR currently manages more than 15 billion Chinese yuan in assets, including the support of Chinese stakeholders, including the state-owned Bank of China.

IRS whistleblowers have come forward to allege that the investigation into Hunter Biden’s taxes has been politicized and poorly handled. Joe Biden promised in December 2020 that his family would not be involved in any business that is in conflict with his presidency or appears to be in conflict. It’s been discovered that since October 2021, there have been no filings submitted for Skaneateles. Chris Clark, a lawyer for Biden, told the New York Times that his client no longer holds any direct or indirect interest in either BHR or Skaneateles.

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The circumstances surrounding Hunter Biden’s transfer of his share to Kevin Morris, who assisted in paying millions of dollars in back taxes, has caught the attention of House Republicans. Morris appears to be the current owner of Skaneateles, and the question remains whether foreign actors have targeted the Biden family with national security implications. Congressman Comer has requested records from Morris after sending a letter in June 2022 regarding Morris’s sudden patronage of the President’s son.

Many questions remain about Hunter Biden’s business dealings, including allegations that the investigation into his taxes has been poorly handled. Skaneateles, the LLC through which Hunter held his 10% share in BHR, is now under Morris’s control. Though there is no immediate evidence of any wrongdoing, the House Oversight Committee plans to investigate the Biden family’s business dealings and ensure that there isn’t a national security threat.

A congressional investigation is underway after Kevin Morris, a close confidante of Hunter Biden, appears to be in control of Skaneateles LLC. Hunter previously held his 10% share in the Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Company through Skaneateles. This is a Chinese government-linked investment firm that has invested in controversial Chinese firms and teams up with a defense company that has helped to build up the Russian military. Andy McCarthy, former federal prosecutor and contributing editor at National Review, claims that investigating this matter should be a congressional priority due to the possible involvement of foreign actors and potential national security threats.

While there have been no filings submitted for Skaneateles since October 2021, a representative from the Washington, D.C. Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs stated that a $300 reinstatement fee had not yet been paid for the LLC, and it was therefore listed as revoked in the online business registry. It is unclear when Morris obtained control of Hunter’s stake in BHR. However, the investigation into the transfer of Hunter Biden’s stake to Morris has started, and the Oversight Committee is determined to find out whether there is any underlying wrongdoing involved.

Hunter Biden’s business dealings have caught the attention of House Republicans, with Kevin Morris appearing to be in control of Skaneateles LLC. Hunter previously held his 10% share in the Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Company through Skaneateles. Since October 2021, there have been no filings submitted for Skaneateles, at which time Hunter was listed as the sole ‘governor’ of the LLC. While there is no concrete evidence of any illegal dealings, the House Oversight Committee will investigate any potential wrongdoing and ensure that there is no national security threat.

Rep. James Comer (R-KY), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, sent a letter to Kevin Morris in 2022 requesting records from him after he appeared to become the current owner of Skaneateles, an LLC previously owned by Hunter Biden. Skaneateles was used to hold Hunter’s 10% share in the controversial Chinese government-linked investment firm, BHR. Morris’s involvement with Skaneateles raises further concern, and the Oversight Committee seeks to determine if there are any national security issues presented by the Biden family’s business practices.

A congressional investigation is underway after Kevin Morris, a close confidante of Hunter Biden, appears to be in control of Skaneateles LLC. Hunter formerly held a 10% share in the controversial Chinese government-linked investment firm, BHR, through Skaneateles. Morris’s relationship with Hunter and his newfound control over Skaneateles have emerged as potential concerns for Rep. James Comer (R-KY), chairman of the House Oversight Committee. The committee is investigating whether foreign actors have targeted the Biden family and if there is a national security threat involved.

Investigations into Hunter Biden’s business dealings continue to make headlines, with many questions remaining about his involvement with the Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Company through Skaneateles LLC. The Biden family’s business dealings are currently being investigated by the House Oversight Committee, with Rep. James Comer (R-KY) requesting records from Kevin Morris. Morris’s sudden patronage of Hunter has emerged as a concern and the committee aims to determine if this is a national security threat. The Chinese government-linked investment firm operates in an opaque manner with controversial firms and defense companies. Though there is no immediate evidence of wrongdoing, the Oversight Committee seeks to rule out any possible future issues.

Questions surrounding Hunter Biden’s business dealings continue to swirl, particularly in light of Kevin Morris’s apparent control of Skaneateles LLC. Morris is a close confidante of Hunter and has been identified as the current owner of Skaneateles, formerly used by Hunter to hold his 10% share in the Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Company, which has invested in controversial firms. Andy McCarthy, a contributing editor at National Review, claims that this investigation should be made a congressional priority due to the involvement of foreign actors and potential national security threats.

The transfer of Hunter Biden’s share in the Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Company to Kevin Morris has caught the attention of the House Oversight Committee. Morris, a confidante of Hunter, appears to be the current owner of Skaneateles LLC, which was used by Hunter to hold his portion of BHR’s holdings. The Chinese government-linked investment firm invests in controversial companies, and it teamed up with a defense company that has helped build up the Russian military. The Oversight Committee aims to determine if there are any national security threats stemming from this situation.

Congressional investigations are underway after Kevin Morris’s sudden patronage of Hunter Biden raised concerns. Morris is the apparent owner of Skaneateles LLC, previously used to hold Hunter’s 10% share in the Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Company. BHR’s significant investments in controversial Chinese companies, along with its connections with a defense company linked to the Kremlin war effort in Ukraine, have raised national security concerns. The Oversight Committee seeks to determine if the Biden family’s business dealings have resulted in foreign actors targeting them.


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