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House Report Reveals Trump Prosecutor Nathan Wade Met With White House

Nathan Wade

Notable Georgia attorney, Nathan Wade, who was slated to lead the legal proceedings against ex-President Donald Trump, has been found to have an extensive paper trail of correspondence with the Biden-Harris administration, according to recently sourced records.

Details exposed by these records reveal that Wade claimed significant time spent in dialogue with the current White House and other high-ranking Washington D.C. officials. Additionally, factions related to the congressional committee assigned to investigate the events of January 6 were a part of these discussions.

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According to a released interview transcript, Wade noted his prospective involvement in a case against Trump was conceived even before the responsible prosecutor, Willis, had assumed office. As part of a predefined plan, Willis positioned Wade as part of a ‘search committee’ whose goal was to identify a suitable prosecutor, an endeavor that ironically appointed Wade himself.

On the calendar day of May 23rd, 2022, the meticulous records detail a laborious eight-hour billing by Wade to the Fulton office. Notably, this time was dedicated to a ‘conference with White House Counsel.’ A similar claim appears in records from November of that year when Wade accounted for eight hours for an ‘Interview with D.C./White House.’

A substantial sum of taxpayer money was expended between September 7 and September 9, 2022, as Wade billed the public treasury $6,000 for services rendered. His ledger reports the work under the vague and broad categories of ‘Witness Interviews; conference calls with DC; team meetings.’

Further, on April 25, 2023, Wade’s professional commitment is evident in the eight hours spent on a ‘Zoom conference with investigators in other jurisdictions.’ Despite the extensive interaction time listed, Wade provided no specific information about the content or nature of these encounters.

His records also showed significant interaction with members associated with the January 6th Committee. Although Wade acknowledged these meetings, he also admitted an inability to recall the names of the legal representatives involved and was even unclear of the identities of their respective clients.

In a notable entry in April 2022, Wade spent a full day – 24 hours – billed under ‘Team meeting; conference with Jan 6th; research legal issues to prepare [for the interview]’. Continuing with this trend, he also billed eight hours on November 16, 2022, in respect to a ‘Jan 6 meeting and Attorney conference.’

Eventually, pressed for clarity and explanation, Wade provided written responses under oath regarding the nature and scope of his relationships and interactions with Willis. However, it can be argued that information withheld, even as it shed light on his association, stirred more questions than it answered.

The legal proceedings surrounding this case took an unexpected turn when the presiding judge delivered a verdict to remove Wade from the Trump prosecution. On the grounds of potential misconduct, the ruling placed a considerable obstacle in the trajectory of the planned litigation.

The subsequent events took a further twist of strangeness when attempts to serve Wade with a subpoena hit a wall. The U.S. Marshalls met with continuous failure in locating him over several days, adding to the intrigue and complexity of the unfolding situation.

In response to these intriguing developments, Wade offered an explanation for his unavailability. According to him, a switch-off mobile phone was to be blamed, an action he took in view of prepping for an upcoming trial.

Despite Wade’s explanation, the sequence of events certainly drew a fair share of doubts and suspicions over the whole affair. From the earliest days of his interaction with the Willis office, something seemed afoot.

The question that persists is – how justified was Wade’s extensive communication with the White House while being part of a team that was preparing a case against the former President? And were such vast sums and inordinate spans of billed timing serviced in ensuring justice?

The saga of Nathan Wade’s involvement in the Trump prosecution, and the intertwined narrative of his associations with Willis and the Biden-Harris administration, is indeed a tale worth further scrutiny, a tale demanding answers, truth and accountability from the parties involved.