Hebrew Helpers: Todd Shotz’s Lifelong Commitment to Jewish Education

In an airport, if you see a man named Todd Shotz carry poles sticking out of his backpack, there’s no reason for fear. These poles, in fact, have a Torah scroll attached to them. This traveling Torah is part of Shotz’s dedication to his bar and bat mitzvah tutoring agency, Hebrew Helpers, which he established a couple of decades ago out of Los Angeles.

The reach of Hebrew Helpers is nothing short of impressive. To date, more than 1200 families have been served by the organization, carrying forward their mission to provide religious instruction and guidance.

This current year alone, Shotz has already overseen and led seventeen Jewish coming-of-age ceremonies and is likely to officiate at about 120 more by the year 2024, a testament to the demand for the personal touch Hebrew Helpers provides.

Hebrew Helpers is composed of a collaborative group of 42 instructors, fondly referred to as mentors. These mentors provide their services across 11 different regions, extending the organization’s influence and reach.

In addition to mentors, Hebrew Helpers also have a number of directors located on both the East and West coasts. These directors grasp the important role of talking to curious parents, attentively discussing goals and expectations for the family and the child celebrating the coming-of-age.

Around fifty percent of the families working with Hebrew Helpers are also members of synagogues. However, they approach Hebrew Helpers because they seek a more customized and personal approach than what they perceive their synagogues can offer.

Aside from religious instruction, Hebrew Helpers is also recognized for the relationship it builds with its students. The organization keeps an open door policy, encouraging students to maintain a connection beyond the formal tutor-student relationship.

An anecdote that reveals the depth of these relationships involves a previous student who reached out to Shotz when faced with antisemitism on his college campus. This interaction highlights the ongoing support network that exists within Hebrew Helpers.

The phrase ‘I hold onto that connection’ resonates with Shotz’s philosophy. He believes it’s crucial for his students to feel they can always reach out when they need to discuss something, cementing Hebrew Helpers’ role beyond just an educational institution.

In 2019, Shotz further demonstrated his personal commitment to Jewish education and empowerment by establishing the Mitzvah Learning Fund. This initiative has already had a significant impact by providing generous learning grants to individuals and families willing to expand their Jewish knowledge but financially unable to do so.

In spite of all his accomplishments, Shotz is most admired for, and takes the greatest pride in, his work with Hebrew Helpers. After all, he believes this organization truly represents the commitment he has to Jewish education.

His sentiments reflect a passion for his lifelong endeavors, ‘I believe Jewish education is my destiny.’ This profound statement resonates with his lifelong mission…

…and conveys his profound conviction that his life should always be spent on this endeavor that he holds most dear, demonstrating a profound dedication that extends far beyond ceremonial officiation.

Shotz’s endeavors, rooted in teaching, guiding, and inspiring individuals to deepen their Jewish understanding, exemplify his dedication towards Jewish education, a dedication that shines through in every aspect of Hebrew Helpers’ operations.

In summary, Todd Shotz, with his Torah scrolls and his dedication to personalized Jewish Education through Hebrew Helpers, has touched many lives and nurtured a community that seeks lifelong Jewish learning.