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GOP Considers Resolution Endorsing Trump as 2024 Nominee After Recent Success


The National Committee of the Republican Party is weighing up the possibility of wrapping up the GOP presidential primary through a resolution that could put forward Donald Trump, former U.S. President and top Republican presidential candidate, as the anticipated nominee for the impending 2024 elections. This proposed resolution found its co-sponsor in Tyler Bowyer, an RNC committeeman, and has surfaced in the wake of Trump’s formidable triumph against his GOP rivals in the recent Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary.

In the resolution draft, it is highlighted that Trump held an indisputable stronghold over the other Republican candidates who launched robust campaigns for several months during the Iowa Caucus, which spanned the entire state, and communicated their American vision to the caucus-goers of Iowa with impressive clarity.

The text continued by stating that in spite of their relentless efforts, these rivals couldn’t stand against Trump, who commanded 51 percent of votes in Iowa. Furthermore, he also outperformed Nikki Haley, the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, surpassing her by a significant 11 percentage points in the New Hampshire primary that took place a few days earlier.

Emphasizing these compelling wins, the resolution claims that all available data negate any potential opposition’s mathematical prospects of seizing the Republican nomination for the 2024 Presidential race, spotlighting Trump thereby as the presumptive candidate.

The resolution goes on to argue that continued investment in the primary, already exceeding $300 million, will only further complicate the mission of confronting President Biden in the subsequent general elections. Hence, the notion persists that any further funds spent herein would be better utilized in the battle against Democrats, pivoting attention to the controversies surrounding Biden’s immigration, economic, and foreign policies.

The draft resolution then reaches a decisive point, affirming that the RNC recognizes President Trump as the party’s unquestioned nominee, irrespective of the fact that Nikki Haley might not bow out of the competition. This marks the shift of the RNC’s focus towards the upcoming general elections, while ensuring that supporters from all camps are embraced as integral members of the presumptive ‘Team Trump 2024’.

Wrapping up this significant statement, the resolution notes: ‘Resolved that the National Committee of the Republican party, at this point forward, designates President Trump as our forthcoming 2024 nominee for the Presidential seat of the United States, transitioning effectively into the mode of general elections and appreciating the supporters of all contenders as esteemed members of Team Trump 2024.’

The current popularity metrics for the Republican primary, according to the average national polling by Five Thirty Eight, indicate an overwhelming support of 68.3 percent for Trump among the GOP electorate, while Haley trails significantly behind with a meager 12.9 percent backing.

This popular backing for Trump unambiguously manifests the desire of Republican voters to see him continue to lead the party towards the November electoral face-off. Despite the fact that Nikki Haley may strive to remain in the race via her stronghold of South Carolina, the prevalent sentiment among the GOP electorate is that Trump is the anticipated nominee of the party.

In essence, the endorsement of this resolution by the RNC would merely cement what most members of the Republican party are already certain of – that Trump is the likely standard-bearer heading into the 2024 Presidential race.

Article: Real News Now