
Johnson: ‘January 6th was Not an Insurrection, Despite Popular Narrative’


Tarik Johnson, a former Lieutenant with the Capitol Police, who was on site during the disarray that struck the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021, and gave the critical order to evacuate the House and Senate, has come forward to share his perspective. Some critics of the previous presidential administration have painted a certain picture of the events, but Johnson disputes their version of events.

In recent online discourse, Johnson clarified his assessment of the day. ‘The event that unfolded on January 6 was not an insurrection,’ he held. His words received little attention at the time, despite the significant position he held on that day.

Johnson pointed out the irony of his stance, ‘While it would serve me to label the incident as an insurrection due to my role as the Commander who ordered and spearheaded the evacuation of the Senate and the House, I stand by my convictions. My decision came after fruitless appeals to then Assistant Chief Yogananda Pittman for permission to evacuate the Capitol, as chaos escalated outside.’

As Johnson remarked, he was quite vocal at the time, but his pleas to Pittman, who was monitoring the situation from the Command Center, fell on deaf ears. At the same moment, Chief Steven A Sund was busy securing reinforcements from the National Guard and assistance from local law enforcement agencies.

Given the urgency of the situation, Johnson felt compelled to proceed with the evacuation plans despite Pittman’s indifference. ‘I had no other choice but to move forward without her approval,’ he stated firmly.

A mere three days after the midweek mayhem, Johnson felt the need to bring the conduct of Pittman to the notice of Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont. Within an hour of the phone call with the senator, Johnson was notified of his suspension by the USCP internal affairs section – an action that would last for a hefty 17 months.

During this challenging period, Johnson was subjected to an unusually strict gag order by the USCP. ‘I was forbidden to discuss the events of January 6, 2021, with the media until I officially separated from the department,’ Johnson noted.

Strict restrictions on Johnson didn’t end with the gag order. Johnson explained, ‘From Monday to Friday, between 8 am and 4 pm, I was virtually under house arrest, incapable of stepping off my property without prior intimation to the USCP. Leaving without notification would mean potential disciplinary action up to and including termination.’

Johnson further elaborated on the pressing need for unveiling the truth about the events. ‘USCP Chief J Thomas Manger was roped in to conceal SOME of these facts from public knowledge.’ Johnson’s implication here was clear – Manger had been consigned to ensure that the reality of the day didn’t disrupt the narrative being built.

Attempting to offer more insights into the matter, Johnson addressed presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy, stating, ‘Should Ramaswamy welcome more FACTS to challenge the narrative of an insurrection, I’m all ears. We need to defend the integrity of our great nation, not only today but heading into the 2024 elections as well.’

Ramaswamy’s response to Johnson’s revelations? A simple, ‘This is wild.’ However, during subsequent debates, the candidate had more to say about the January 6 events.

Ramaswamy asserted, ‘Until recently, had you engaged me in conversation suggesting the events of January 6 were essentially an inside job or results of government entrapment, I would have blasted such viewpoints as conspiracy theories, absolutely ludicrous. However, now, with a deeper understanding, I hold a different view.’

Frustrated with the established narratives, Ramaswamy held his ground during a debate moderated by Abby Phillips. He drew attention to various uncertainties, saying, ‘We are aware that there were federal law enforcement personnel present that day, yet we know not the extent of their involvement. It’s shameful.’ Ramaswamy underscored that he is not going to accept the establishment’s narrative without question.