
Even Jost can’t make Biden’s incompetence funny

Kicking off Season 50’s inaugural ‘Weekend Update,’ Jost and Che had a field day ridiculing Donald Trump, Melania Trump, and Eric Adams. Surprisingly, the political upheaval during the summer hiatus was not the main focus of their satirical barrage. Instead, Donald Trump’s recent nonsensical statements served as low-hanging comedic fruit.

Notably, Jost pointed out the absurdity of Trump calling Kamala Harris ‘mentally impaired,’ and further quipped that it was puzzling to see Trump effectively admit to losing a debate to someone he degraded in that manner. Such illogical statements indicate Biden evidently isn’t the only ‘Sleepy Joe’ in politics; perhaps Trump’s common sense is slumbering.

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Jost postulated on Trump’s unfounded bravado and erratic speeches, suggesting desperation is creeping into his camp. The former president’s inexplicable assertions, such as boasting his physique is superior to Biden’s, were met with bemusement by Jost. This satire is a mild indictment of Trump’s narcissism versus any genuine political analysis.

Deciphering Trump’s nonsensical statements is no easy task. Jost playfully conjectured the true damage a mere bullet could have inflicted on Trump, given his recent display of irrationality. Delving into the realm of the ludicrous, he questioned Trump’s fixation on physicality amid political discourse.

Meanwhile, Melania Trump did not escape unscathed from Jost and Che’s comedic onslaught. Melania’s statement, attributing Democrats to the cause of a ‘toxic atmosphere’ leading to Trump’s assassination attempts, was also met with ridicule. Jost suggested this deflection tactic from the Trump camp was merely a diversion from addressing the genuine issues at hand.

Adding to his list of jab-worthy subjects, Jost integrated a mention of the TikTok community who have taken to uploading videos containing AI translations of Adolf Hitler’s speeches to English. The mention might seem unrelated at first glance, but in the grand mockery scheme, it fits right in with the theater of absurdity surrounding the Trump camp.

Simultaneously, Che’s main focus for the ‘Weekend Update’ was not Trump but Mayor Eric Adams, who is currently embroiled in plenty of legal tussles. Satirically referencing some perceived failing attempts at governance by the Mayor, Che noted that despite the internet’s damning portrayal, Adams declared he had made efforts.

Adams’ bizarre declarations of accomplishments, such as inventing a trash can and having waged war on rats, were noted by Che. The rat infestation might be winning for now, but according to Adams, it isn’t over yet. The sheer nonsensical nature of these claims further lends weight to Adams’ questionable merits.

Among Adams’ listed accomplishments was his involvement with a robotic police project. Che, however, wasn’t convinced by the initiative, subtly hinting at the questionable effectiveness of Adams’ methods when it comes to combating crime in the city.

When probed about his alleged involvement in an economic scandal with the Turkish government, Adam’s reply was cryptic. Using the phrase ‘gobble gobble’ to justify his actions, he attempted to play off serious accusations with humor, leaving many questioning his appropriateness for office.

Che mockingly emphasized Adams’ frivolous attempt to make light of serious allegations. The Mayor’s penchant for Turkish delights hints at his appetite for elaborate, yet questionable, business ventures. However, these ventures don’t seem to be sweetening his public reputation.

The ‘Weekend Update’ ended with an implied comparison between Adams’ governance and the deluded rantings of the previous presidential administration. Jost and Che, with their sharp wit and relentless satirical commentary, served to demonstrate the absurdity both in the political landscape and far beyond.

Ultimately, Jost and Che’s ‘Weekend Update’ was less a comedic recap and more a pointed assessment of the rampant absurdity in American politics, with figures like Trump, Melania, Adams, and yes, even Kamala Harris, being the key players in this circus.

As the inaugural ‘Weekend Update’ for Season 50 concluded, the viewers were left with laughter, a dash of disbelief, and perhaps an unspoken understanding – American politics, fraught with controversies and questionable characters like Trump and Adams, is a theater of the bizarre, where serious discourse could often be lost amidst the absurdities.