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Email Shows Fauci’s COVID Testimony was a Lie 


Senator Rand Paul, a Republican from Kentucky, has taken a significant step by officially referring the matter to the Department of Justice regarding Dr. Anthony Fauci. This action was prompted by an email from February 2020, in which Fauci discussed a call with British medical researcher Jeremy Farrar.

During this call, esteemed scientists specializing in evolutionary biology, including Francis Collins, expressed concern about mutations in the nCoV virus that seemed unlikely to have occurred naturally in bats. Fauci also mentioned suspicions of intentional insertion of the mutation due to the work conducted by scientists in Wuhan University, who were known for their gain-of-function experiments.

In contrast to Fauci’s previous statements denying any funding of gain-of-function research, this newly unredacted email suggests otherwise. RealClearPolitics White House reporter Philip Wegmann shared a screenshot of the email, in which Fauci acknowledged the suspicion raised by the origins of the outbreak in Wuhan.

Sen. Paul criticized Fauci’s deceptive statements in committee hearings, highlighting the inconsistency between his denial and the evidence provided in the email. Consequently, Sen. Paul submitted an official criminal referral to the Department of Justice.

During a contentious exchange in July 2021, Fauci was confronted by Sen. Paul on the issue of lying to Congress, a federal offense. Fauci vehemently denied the allegation, claiming he had never lied before Congress in previous testimony.

Paul countered this assertion by citing a journal article titled ‘Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses,’ which explicitly credits the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and their funding of gain-of-function research. In May, Fauci insisted that the NIH did not support such research, a statement contradicted by the article Paul referenced.

Sen. Paul, who holds a medical degree from Duke University School of Medicine, further highlighted how the author of the paper combined two bat coronavirus spike genes with a SARs-related backbone to create new viruses not found in nature.

These lab-created viruses were proven to replicate in humans, supporting Sen. Paul’s argument on their gain-of-function nature. Fauci defended himself against these claims, stating that the paper had been thoroughly reviewed and deemed not to be gain of function by qualified staff.

The ongoing dispute between Sen. Paul and Dr. Fauci centers around the origins and potential manipulation of the nCoV virus. The concern raised by the scientific community regarding the unusual mutations observed in the virus has led to suspicions of intentional insertion.

This specific worry is rooted in the work conducted by scientists in Wuhan University, who are known for their experiments on bat viruses and their adaptation to human infection. Sen. Paul’s actions reflect his commitment to seeking the truth and holding individuals accountable for their statements and actions.

With the weight of evidence behind him, Sen. Paul underscored that Fauci’s testimony contradicts the email’s content, thus making it imperative to address this discrepancy. By referring the matter to the Department of Justice, Sen. Paul aims to determine whether any criminal wrongdoing has occurred concerning Fauci’s statements and the funding of gain-of-function research.

The importance of transparency and honesty is crucial when dealing with an issue as significant as the origins of COVID-19 and the potential risks associated with laboratory experiments.

Undoubtedly, the clash between Sen. Paul and Dr. Fauci is one that encapsulates diverging views within the scientific and political communities. While Paul emphasizes the need to investigate potential misconduct and alleged deception by the esteemed medical advisor, Fauci maintains his innocence regarding any falsehoods in his statements.

It is paramount to consider all available evidence and assess the claims made by both parties to uncover the truth amidst the ongoing debate surrounding the origins of the virus.

The email highlighted by Sen. Paul provides a critical piece of evidence that raises questions about the origins and potential manipulation of the nCoV virus. Fauci’s acknowledgment of scientists’ concerns regarding unnatural mutations and suspicions of intentional insertion invites scrutiny and necessitates a thorough examination.

Sen. Paul’s criminal referral to the Department of Justice reflects his conviction to ascertain the truth and hold accountable those involved in the funding and research pertaining to the origins of COVID-19.

The confrontation between Sen. Paul and Dr. Fauci during the congressional hearing exposed the differences in their understanding of gain-of-function research and the funding provided by the NIH.

With Fauci denying ever lying before Congress, despite Paul’s claims backed by a journal article, the clash demonstrates the complexity of distinguishing between scientific endeavors and the implications they may have.

By pursuing a criminal referral, Sen. Paul aims to resolve these discrepancies and ensure that the facts surrounding this critical matter are discerned and presented accurately.

Sen. Paul’s pursuit of truth and accountability in the case of Dr. Fauci’s statements regarding gain-of-function research is in line with his longstanding commitment to transparency and justice.

The allegations made by Sen. Paul, supported by evidence such as the cited journal article, emphasize the importance of examining the origins of the nCoV virus thoroughly. As the public eagerly awaits further developments, it is crucial to maintain a fair and unbiased approach to uncovering the truth and addressing any potential wrongdoing.

The issue of the origins of the nCoV virus and the possibility of manipulation in laboratory settings is a complex and pressing concern. Sen. Paul’s actions, prompted by the email exchange between Dr. Fauci and British researcher Jeremy Farrar, reflect a commitment to diligent investigation and the pursuit of honest answers.

As the criminal referral is reviewed by the Department of Justice, it is vital to consider the potential ramifications and the impact they may have on holding those involved accountable, ensuring scientific integrity, and preventing similar incidents in the future.

The email shared by RealClearPolitics reporter Philip Wegmann sheds new light on the issue of gain-of-function research and its potential implications in the origins of the nCoV virus. Sen. Paul’s insistence on addressing the inconsistencies between Fauci’s statements and the email’s content demonstrates his dedication to serving his constituents and ensuring transparency.

By invoking the scrutiny of the Department of Justice, Sen. Paul seeks to unravel the truth surrounding the funding and origins of COVID-19, enabling the public to make informed judgments on this critical matter.

The ongoing conflict between Sen. Paul and Dr. Fauci regarding the origins of the nCoV virus highlights the complexity of the issue and the diverging perspectives within the scientific and political communities.

By submitting an official criminal referral to the Department of Justice, Sen. Paul signals the significance of this matter and the need for a comprehensive investigation into gain-of-function research and the potential intentional manipulation of the virus.

As the facts are examined, it is crucial to maintain objectivity and avoid drawing premature conclusions that may hinder a thorough and accurate assessment.

Sen. Paul’s official criminal referral to the Department of Justice serves as a pivotal development in the contentious debate surrounding the origins of the nCoV virus. The email correspondence between Dr. Fauci and British researcher Jeremy Farrar raises legitimate concerns about potential manipulations and inconsistent statements regarding gain-of-function research.

These matters warrant a thorough investigation to determine the truth and ensure appropriate accountability. By engaging the Department of Justice, Sen. Paul demonstrates his commitment to upholding scientific integrity and holding those responsible for any wrongful actions.

The clash between Sen. Paul and Dr. Fauci underscores the need for an objective examination of gain-of-function research and the origins of the nCoV virus. Sen. Paul’s actions, driven by the email’s revelations and his commitment to transparency, seek to shed light on the complexities surrounding this issue.

The referral to the Department of Justice aims to ensure the integrity of scientific research and maintain public trust. It is imperative that the investigation proceeds diligently, considering all aspects of the case, so that a comprehensive understanding of the situation can be reached.