
DeSantis Supports Death Penalty for Child Rapists


As Florida Governor Ron DeSantis considers a potential presidential run, he is advocating for strong law enforcement policies. DeSantis has shown his support for two bills in the state legislature, including one that could challenge the U.S. Supreme Court. He has endorsed a bill to permit the death penalty for those who sexually abuse children. This legislation would let a jury recommend a death sentence for a child rapist by a vote of 8-4, if the victim is under 12 years of age.


DeSantis expressed his belief that the death penalty is the only suitable punishment for serial child rapists while talking on an Orlando radio station. However, a 2008 U.S. Supreme Court ruling held that the Eighth Amendment’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment prohibits the death penalty for child rapists. Undeterred, DeSantis is championing a series of bills highlighting his dedication to law and order, which proved to be a winning GOP message in the 2022 midterm elections.

The Florida governor has criticized Democratic policies in other states as being ‘soft-on-crime’ and driven by ‘woke ideology’, while demonstrating his vision for the country. He also expressed confidence that the current Supreme Court would consider a challenge to the 2008 ruling on the death penalty for child rapists.


In addition, DeSantis is advocating for a second death penalty measure that would eliminate the need for a unanimous jury decision. This proposal follows the public uproar after Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz was given life in prison instead of the death penalty due to a non-unanimous jury decision. Although the state Supreme Court declared in 2020 that unanimous jury recommendations were not required, the law still exists.

The new bill would require at least eight jurors out of twelve to recommend a death sentence. This follows a 9-3 jury vote in the Parkland case that spared the shooter from capital punishment. Importantly, some Democrats in Florida, including state Sen. Lauren Book, support the proposals. As a victim of child sexual abuse and founder of Lauren’s Kids, Book believes that capital punishment is appropriate for sex crimes against children.


While touring the country and visiting crucial 2024 presidential election states, DeSantis continues to criticize Democratic prosecutors and those he deems ‘soft on crime’. He has pointed out the increase in crime rates and the exodus of people from ‘reckless’ jurisdictions. Furthermore, DeSantis has rejected ‘soft on crime policies’ like eliminating cash bail and releasing violent criminals early from prison.

So far this year, DeSantis has signed three death warrants after enacting two executions during his first term. He emphasized his support for strong law enforcement and highlighted Florida’s commitment to fighting crime during his state of the state address in March