The Democratic party’s current state is in such disarray that even the renowned Will Rogers would have difficulty crafting a biting satire of it. The distinct issues stem not from a lack of structure, as Rogers once humorously suggested, but rather the repercussions of unequivocally endorsing an unequivocally disastrous presidency, coupled with an ill-considered adherence to extreme stances on cultural matters.
The Democrats’ astonishment rings hollow in the face of the public’s increasingly negative perception of their party. This perception stems from the fact that they continuously championed Joe Biden as capable and robust enough to fulfill the demanding duties of the presidency all the way through to January 2029.
Their pitfall is deeper as their subsequent attempt to fob off the inexperienced Kamala Harris as an exuberant and remarkable replacement for Biden is looking more like a ruse with each passing day. The glaring lie they spun about Harris’ preparedness for the job is more than apparent in her lackluster performance thus far.
In recent polls, the Democrats are battling dismal approval rates. Their approval rating has plummeted to an all-time low in the last three decades. The CNN poll recorded a shocking 29%, the lowest score dating back to 1992, and the NBC poll looped in at a spine-chilling 27%, also the lowest since 1990.
A portion of this steep rating decline can be traced back to discontent within the party itself. Many Democrats express a desire for their party to engage in more aggressive tactics against Trump. Nevertheless, the party’s image has taken a more widespread blow.
An illustrative instance of the party’s internal dysfunction was the controversial vote concerning the continuing resolution, where 10 Senate Democrats decided to pass it last week. These relatively moderate members’ actions led to their denunciation as traitors by their more progressive colleagues.
A pragmatic decision was taken by those moderate senators. Had they decided to filibuster the spending bill, it would have ignited a government shutdown and incited blame towards Senate Democrats, leading to even more damage to their already battered image among centrist voters.
The backlash following this episode escalated to the brink of political melodrama. New York’s popular left-wing representative, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, swiftly rose to prominence as a potential opponent in a primary election and perhaps even as a national leader for Democrats.
In a CNN poll, when Democrats were questioned about the individual they believed best embodied their party’s ‘core values,’ a surprising number indicated Ocasio-Cortez. She asserts an objection to the term ‘woke,’ however, she seemingly endorses every policy associated with it.
Biden’s victory in 2020 didn’t appear as a triumph for progressivism at the time, nevertheless, his subsequent leftward lurch while in office played a significant role in the party’s loss in 2024. Ocasio-Cortez’s political mantra seems to be modeled on the 2024 iteration of Biden in both appeal and policy, yet it amplifies the progressive stance even further.
Her charisma and savvy social media skills enhance her potential to gain more substantial fame and impact, making her a recognizable figure in the party’s leadership. But the question remains, whether her increased visibility will resonate positively with the general public or resonate as a continuation of the Democrats’ current downfall.
Will Rogers once cleverly quipped: ‘You’ve got to admit that each party is worse than the other. The one that’s out always looks the best.’ If the Democrats’ fervor to resist Trump ends up embracing figures such as Ocasio-Cortez as their standard-bearer, they may just prove Rogers’ wit equally as sharp today.
Indeed, the Democratic party seems stuck between a rock and a hard place. Should they continue down this path, latching onto the ultra-progressive ideologies and allowing promising yet politically inexperienced figures like Ocasio-Cortez to lead, they could end up further alienating their base and the wider public.
In essence, the Democratic party’s course correction calls for a radical departure from its current trajectory. The party needs to acknowledge the inherent issues that contributed to Biden’s initial ascendancy, and the subsequent blunders made under his and Harris’s administration.
Ultimately, the party would do well to heed Rogers’ wisdom – praise isn’t earned simply by virtue of opposition alone. As it stands, the Democrats’ relentless scorn for Trump and their swing towards increasingly radical figures like Ocasio-Cortez may leave them on shaky footing as they navigate the precarious terrains of next election cycles.