
Man Decapitation by NYC Train

As Covid lock-downs and riots of peace ravaged New York City, many with the means to leave the city did, having seen the writing on the wall. Most didn’t or couldn’t move out before the mayhem now seen throughout the city took hold. Now we’re seeing people choosing to leave the city in some much more macabre ways.

A man who could not be identified was killed on impact with the Northbound 6 in the Bronx Thursday night at 10:40 pm local time. The victim in question had been sitting in the tracks, apparently wanting and waiting to die. The man’s head was separated by the force of the collision, causing it to fall onto the sidewalk below. For medical response teams to say that he “died on the scene” is a bit redundant at that point.

Even before the covid lock-downs of 2020, the sky-scraping crime numbers so far this year, and the looming, possible lock-downs on the horizon due to the “delta” variant that is gaining in prevalence, suicide was the second leading cause of injury-related death in the state of New York. New data on the number of New Yorkers that have taken their own lives in the face of the city’s tail-spinning condition has yet to be published, but the totals are expected to be horrifying. Not that any of the other statistics are to be of much comfort.

To make matters worse, 150,000 “test ballots” were erroneously counted during this week’s primary vote for mayor of NYC. This failure of the procedure has left the city’s leadership in chaos and disarray, uncertain of how to handle the issue. Were you to ask the people of this blighted necropolis who was in charge, you’re liable to get many different answers if any at all.