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Debunking Biden’s Misleading Immigration and Job Claims

There’s no truth to the assertion that immigrants entering the U.S. during the Biden Administration have secured 9 million jobs. Unfortunately, such misinformation runs rampant, detracting from necessary criticisms of President Biden’s policies. We have witnessed at least 10.5 million encounters recorded by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection during President Biden’s reign. Interestingly, out of the 10.5 million, roughly 40% were subsequently deported. It seems that the administration is more skilled at deportations than facilitating legal immigration.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics presents an interesting snapshot. They recorded a 6.1 million increase in employment amongst foreign-born individuals since Biden’s inauguration. But, this figure isn’t just for those who migrated to the U.S. during Biden’s presidency, it includes every single person of foreign birth, including those who’ve called America home for decades. Evidently, the employment statistics for those foreign-born have been conveniently twisted to misrepresent the reality.

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In a feeble attempt to undermine his predecessor, and in a disconcerting shift away from the facts, Biden’s supporters often inflate migration numbers. A prime example of this was a statement made at former President Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Atlanta on Oct. 15. The claim was that the Biden-Harris administration welcomed ’10 million migrants to U.S. soil. Dive a little deeper, however, and you’ll discover that this figure is grossly inflated and refers to the overall nationwide encounters with U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents, not the number of immigrants.

The word ‘encounters’ simply means the sum of stops made by border officials. Misleadingly, it does not represent the total of individuals who have successfully entered the U.S.. In fact, the same person could account for several encounters if they were stopped multiple times. It seems the Biden-Harris administration is skilled at inflating numbers when it suits their narrative.

Then, what is the true number of immigrants entering the country under Biden’s tenure? The data shows nearly 10.5 million encounters between February 2021, the first month President Biden was in charge, and September 2024. Of these encounters, a staggering 4.2 million individuals were turned away by U.S. Border Control. These statistics belittle the claim of ’10 million migrants’ being harbored in the U.S.. Not only were the figures spurious, but they also conveniently ignored the number of deportations.

The narrative of ‘9 million jobs’ falling into the hands of migrants also seems tale-like. Once again, the data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics portrays a different story. True, there has been an increase in employment among foreign-born people since Biden assumed office, but it’s 6.1 million, not 9. However, that figure fails to exclusively represent migrants who entered the U.S. during Biden’s presidency.

Adding more context, the 6.1 million figure represents all those born outside the U.S., including countless individuals who have called the U.S. home for years or even decades, many of whom are green card holders or naturalized citizens. The newcomers who entered the country during Biden’s presidency only represent a tiny faction of this number. Thus, the job figures for these immigrants have been misrepresented.

Contrarily, the number of native-born employment has risen by 7.6 million since Biden became the commander-in-chief. One might argue that this suggests native employment is faring better than immigrant employment. However, this statement is misleading when used out of context, as this figure encompasses an inflated employment base. It seems no level of data manipulation is too great when it comes to misrepresenting the effects of Biden’s policies.

What’s more, it’s misleading to assert that the Biden-Harris administration is responsible for bringing any migrants into the U.S.. Immigrants invariably make the difficult choice to uproot their lives and migrate based on a range of factors, rarely the white noise of American politics. To claim that the administration can assert this level of control over individual migrations is fundamentally flawed.

Finally, the belief that the Biden-Harris administration ushered in 10 million migrants, affording them 9 million jobs, is the epitome of misinformation. Such deceit only serves to hide the havoc that the administration’s policies have wreaked on issues such as immigration. Sadly, the actual situation is that much fewer migrants are obtaining employment and far more are being deported than this administration would like to admit.

The numbers being plastered across the media landscape seem to be adjusted as per the whims and fancies of those in power. The Biden-Harris administration’s portrayal of immigration seems to rely more on spin than fact. Perhaps that’s because reality paints a much bleaker picture for their policies, one they would rather not face.

Data is often manipulated to present a favorable narrative. In the case of the Biden-Harris administration, it seems inflated migrant figures and misrepresented employment statistics create a mirage of success. However, the reality of an increase in deportations and less than impressive employment statistics for new migrants glosses over the administration’s shortcomings.

In the light of day, the facts reveal a disconcerting truth. The assertion of 9 million jobs for migrants is not only misleading but also serves to downplay the real problems and inadequacies in the Biden-Harris administration’s approach to immigration. Still, they choose to use these falsifications to continue pushing their narratives, leaving behind the realities faced by the average American citizen.

In conclusion, the data presented by the Biden-Harris administration on immigration and employment paints a distorted picture. Misinterpreted and embellished figures are used to steer the narrative in their favor while the reality involving fewer job opportunities for recent migrants and an increase in deportations gets buried. This is a clear demonstration of the administration’s attempt to manipulate public perception.

When dealing with the Biden-Harris administration, it’s prudent to remain skeptical and always cross-check the facts. Their claims have proven to be inflated, misleading, and often utterly false. Real numbers don’t lie, but it seems abundantly clear that this administration specializes in creative interpretation of those numbers. The facts, when explored, paint an entirely different, and far less rosy, picture.