
Creepy Porn Lawyer, Michael Avenatti, Cries Like a BABY after being Sentenced to 30 Months in Prison

Say it isn’t so.

Micheal Avenatti, referred to by many as the “creepy porn lawyer”, lost his composure during his sentencing as he gave a defeated, likely ghost-written statement to a to the presiding judge.

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I alone have destroyed my career, my relationships and my life. And there is no doubt I need to pay…I am truly sorry for all of the pain I caused to Mr. Franklin and others” recited a tearful Avenatti, who was given a mere two and a half years in prison for extortion as well as $25 million dollars in fines to pay – a case unrelated to his more famous escapades where he paraded around every cable news network as if he would be the demise of Donald Trump’s presidency with the aid of his useful client Stephanie Clifford (Stormy Daniels).

Don’t forget that this was the man that myriad news hosts and partisan figures praised non-stop for his “good work” and argued that he would make a fantastic president. Don’t let them forget about it either.

After the disgraced lawyer’s ploy to represent Stephanie Clifford in her lawsuit against Donald Trump failed to produce any meaningful legal results, Avenatti had little need for the porn-star as his ego and speaking fees had been multiplied by the ongoing talk-show appearances. Like any any newly influential lawyer, Avenatti decided that it would be a good idea to try and leverage that new found fame for even more cash and clout. Avenatti, however, flew a little too close to the sun when he decided to threaten Nike with erasing $10 billion dollars off their net worth.

The rest is history.

As for Avenatti’s future, it may be advisable for him to save some of those tears. The creepy porn lawyer is still scheduled to appear in court pending two other felony charges. He still has plenty to cry about.