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CIA Prevented Hunter Biden’s Sugar Brother from Talking to the Feds During Investigation

According to a Thursday report in the New York Post, a recent development threaten to shift the narrative concerning a tax investigation pertaining to Hunter Biden, the eldest son of President Biden.

As the report unfolds, it appears there was intervention by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that halted the attempts of federal investigators from both the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) during their five-year investigation. The element of intrigue lies in the fact that the blocked interview was that of Kevin Morris, a Hollywood attorney, referred to in an affectionate nick-name as the ‘sugar brother’ of Hunter Biden.

It appears that the startling disclosure is attributed to a whistleblower who shared this information with the House Oversight and House Judiciary Committee leaders. The unexpected twist in this well-publicized saga is the allegation that the CIA moved to forestall the efforts of the DOJ and IRS investigators from interviewing Kevin Morris in August 2021. The claim seems to add a new dimension to the ongoing tax issues involving the first son.

Without offering any concrete reasons, it’s said that the DOJ representatives were called to the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. On reaching there, they received information that Morris ‘could not be a witness’ in the tax investigation surrounding Hunter Biden. The cogency of the reasoning behind this intervention remains unclear.

Doubt and speculation surround the CIA’s peculiar obstruction. The letter presented to CIA Director William Burns by James Comer, the Oversight Chairman, and Jim Jordan, Judiciary Chairman, questions the basis of the CIA’s decision to allegedly bar the federal agency’s investigators from interviewing Mr. Morris. The lack of clarity leaves one wondering.

However, there appears to be a consistent pattern emerging, indicating the possible sidestepping of standard DOJ practices during the investigative process. This claim is supported in the letter, which discusses the perceived deviation from common investigative procedures in the case surrounding Hunter Biden.

It is further suggested in the letter that this account shared by the whistleblower has brought to light the possibility that Hunter Biden could have been given preferential treatment during the investigation. This sentiment is reinforced by evidence unraveled during the prevalent impeachment process looking into President Joe Biden’s actions.

As part of the process to understand the extent and nature of the DOJ and IRS investigations into Hunter Biden, Comer and Jordan have asked the CIA to produce any records related to the investigation, especially those related to their dealings with Kevin Morris.

In response to the allegations and the request for records, the position of the CIA remains firm. A spokesperson for the agency has declined to comment on any specific investigations, while maintaining that it consistently works alongside law enforcement and does not obstruct ongoing cases. They further emphasized the CIA’s cooperation with oversight committees and vowed to continue this practice.

The entire scenario is further complicated when considering allegations made by two IRS whistleblowers last year. They claimed that the Justice Department helped Hunter Biden by blocking other potential witnesses from testifying and limiting tax investigators from asking questions leading towards the involvement of the president’s son. These allegations add another wrinkle to what is already a complex case.

Kevin Morris, during his interaction with several committees, disclosed that he had loaned Hunter Biden at least $5 million after they met at a political fundraiser in late 2019. He stated that the loans started soon after their meeting and continued till 2022, concurrently as the DOJ was wrapping up its tax investigation into Hunter Biden.

The tax investigative saga underwent a further twist when a plea deal only offering probation fell apart during questioning in a Delaware court in July. This prompted Judge Maryellen Noreika to inquire about the details of an immunity clause hidden within the agreement. The aftermath of this saw Delaware US Attorney David Weiss being promoted to special counsel status by Attorney General Merrick Garland.

In the capstone of these events, Weiss handed down two separate indictments against Hunter Biden in Los Angeles and Delaware. These revolved around an alleged evasion of $1.4 million in tax payments and misinformation on a federal gun purchase form respectively. These serious accusations demonstrate the breadth and gravity of this controversy.

Additionally, it was brought to light that a significant amount of loans from Morris to Hunter Biden were utilized to service his tax debts. The 60-year-old Morris further added that the loan repayment will come due in 2025, painting a picture of ongoing financial interdependence.

More fuel was added to the fire during the House Oversight Committee hearing, when a former associate of Hunter Biden made startling disclosures of potential involvement of President Biden and James Biden, his brother, in business deals. The associate revealed that he had communicated previously about these allegations with a Democratic representative, bringing the spotlight to this re-emerging complex issue.

The associate, Tony Bobulinski, claimed that he approached Representative Ro Khanna in October 2020 asking him to reveal these allegations to the public. According to Bobulinski, his revelation was initially met with a positive response, but Representative Khanna did not bring up these allegations during the hearing.

This complex web of claims, investigations, and allegations reveals a landscape that is politically charged and enigmatic. As information continues to unveil itself and the House Oversight Committee continues to hear testimonies, only time will tell what outcomes may emerge from the convoluted storyline revolving around the president’s son, Hunter Biden.

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