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Cartels Offer to Smuggle Migrants Across US Border for $200 Each

Border Patrol Prepares for Expected Surge of Migrants at US-Mexico Border


The Post has obtained information that cartels are offering to smuggle desperate migrants over the US border for $200 each. Even though the government has put new rules in place banning people for five years if they are turned away at the border, many migrants are still arriving at the border with Mexico with hopes of getting into the US.

The cartels are taking advantage of this situation and are offering illegal services. Many of these migrants are waiting due to being afraid of the new rules. Cartels are taking advantage of this and are offering their illegal services to help them cross into the US.

Maria Coromoto, a Venezuelan migrant, has walked non-stop for a month to get to the US-Mexico border. She has arrived in Ciudad Juarez six days ago with her daughter. Maria has been frequently approached by smugglers offering to show her and other migrants a hole in the border wall or a tunnel that can be used to sneak into nearby El Paso for $200.

She cannot afford it, so she’s going to stick to the legal route. She has faith that everything is going to work out. Being smuggled by cartels comes with serious risks like being forced to smuggle drugs, kidnap or being held for ransom.

According to Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz, there were 60,000 migrants in the “immediate border area” on the Mexican side waiting to cross into the US. Although the number of people attempting to cross the southern border each day has dropped from over 10,000 in the days before the rule change to around 4,000, shelters in Mexico and Customs and Border protection facilities on the US side of the border are still full. In El Paso, they claimed almost 2,500 in custody as of Wednesday. Border Patrol is preparing for an expected surge. The riot gear is the punctuation mark to recent intelligence immigration officials shared with The Post about how cartels are lying in wait — calculating how to orchestrate a surge of migrants at the border.

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Since May 12, migrants who cross the border illegally are processed under a measure called Title 8. The immigration law means deportation and a five-year ban after a first unauthorized attempt into the country and jail time after a second try. However, cartels are known to understand the US immigration law system well and have been helping migrants cross the border illegally. Border Patrol estimates that 530,000 people known as “gotaways” have entered the country but not been caught since last October. In 2023, 88 people on the FBI terror watchlist have also been caught by border guards.

The City of Juarez Director of Human Rights, Santiago Gonzalez Reyes, explained that no one really knows the exact number of migrants at the border – even those who claim to. Many migrants don’t want authorities to know they’re here because they come and go attempting to cross into the US any given day, sometimes they get sent back. Knowing the exact number of migrants is almost impossible to measure. However, a new shelter for migrants has been opened within view of the international border, in El Paso. The Post recently toured the refuge that held 200 mostly Venezuelan migrants near the Paso Del Norte Port of Entry.

Although an expected surge at the border hasn’t happened yet, Border Patrol is preparing for it. The riot gear is the punctuation mark to recent intelligence immigration officials shared with The Post about how cartels are lying in wait — calculating how to orchestrate a surge of migrants at the border. Border Patrol officials are preparing for the worst, while also remaining cautious about declaring any victory. No one knows what’s going to happen next.

The number of people sneaking into the country, mostly aided by cartels, is staggering and they are taking advantage of the confusion and insecurity of the migrants trying to cross into the US. This is a concerning situation that requires attention in order to prevent criminal cartels from exploiting vulnerable people for profit. Authorities are looking into ways to prevent this and protect the right of people trying to enter the US legally.

Cartels are operating illegally and are exploiting the desperation of migrants who are trying to cross into the US. Paying cartels to cross the border illegally puts the lives of the migrants at great risk. It is important to stick to the legal route to cross the border. This may take longer, but it is a safer and more secure way. The current situation requires attention, solid policy-making and strong enforcement so as to protect the rights of all people involved.

The City of El Paso has extended its city-wide disaster declaration over the migrant crisis because they don’t want to pat themselves on the back i.e. they are being cautious about the situation. As of Wednesday, the Customs and Border protection facilities on the US side were still full and still holding 2,500 people in custody. The current situation requires serious attention and careful monitoring. They are trying hard to prepare for the worst case scenario in the hopes of reducing the impact of the situation.

The US is a nation built on immigration. However, in recent years, the handling of immigrant and refugee situations has been a topic of much debate. Strong policies and measures to protect the rights of immigrants and refugees are necessary, however, well-opt policy-making is just as critical. Any new changes must be carefully thought through before implementation to prevent any situation arising that could lead to exploitation, abuse or criminal activity.

Strong border policies and measures help protect the rights of both the country and the people trying to enter the country. This is important to prevent criminal activity and to prevent people from taking advantage of those that are most vulnerable. Officials have a tough job to do, but it is also important to remember that every migrant seeking asylum has a unique story and many are fleeing violence, persecution, and/or deprivation of many kinds in their own countries.

One of the biggest concerns since the reform has been the possibility of an increase in illegal activity at the borders. Despite this, the number of people attempting to cross illegally has dropped since the new policy has been put in place. There are other ways to address this issue without resorting to criminal activity. One example might be to increase the number of legal pathways available to the immigrants. Focusing on preventive measures is crucial to stop criminal activity and to help those that are in need.

It is important to acknowledge that the situation at the borders is complex and requires thoughtful and appropriate policies to deal with. The government needs to work with all the stakeholders (immigrants, states, and humanitarians) to develop policies that protect everyone involved. Strong policies and protective measures can be put in place at the borders. This would help everyone, including the migrants who are attempting to enter the country. This would provide much needed assistance to many who are currently struggling to navigate the challenges of crossing the border safely.

In conclusion, the situation at the US-Mexico border is a complex issue that requires careful attention, thought and action to address. While it is true that border policies and protective measures are necessary, it is also important to remember the reasons why migrants are attempting to enter the US – to seek refuge and opportunities. The solution requires thoughtful and protective measures, including increasing the avenues for legal entry into the US. This will not only protect the rights of all people involved but also reduce the number of people trying to cross the border illegally.


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