
Capitol Police Chief Testifies: Pelosi’s Rejection of National Guard Request Raises Concerns


During congressional testimony on Tuesday, former U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund shared a surprising revelation that aligns with a claim previously made by former President Donald Trump.

Sund stated that three days prior to the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol Building, his request to deploy hundreds of National Guard soldiers was rejected by U.S. House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving.

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Irving reportedly cited Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s disapproval as the reason behind his decision. Sund, who resigned on Jan. 8, expressed his frustration during a 90-minute hearing before the House Oversight Committee.

Sund firmly believes that the presence of National Guard soldiers on that day would have been a ‘game-changer.’ At a meeting on Jan. 3 with Irving and Senate Sergeant at Arms Michael Stenger, Sund sought their approval for the deployment of Guard soldiers to help secure the Capitol on Jan.

6. However, Irving’s initial response was apprehensive, mentioning concerns about the optics and intelligence report. Sund was then directed by Irving to discuss alternative ideas with Stenger, which led to a suggestion of contacting the Pentagon to explore the feasibility of a rapid response from Guard personnel.

After reaching out to Army General William Walker later that evening, Sund discovered that there were 125 personnel available for COVID response who could be reallocated quickly upon approval from the secretary of defense.

During a lunch meeting in April 2021, Sund confronted Stenger about the quick response, suspecting that Irving may have tipped him off.

Stenger confirmed Sund’s suspicions, disclosing that Irving had informed him beforehand, stating Pelosi’s unwillingness to accept the National Guard offer. Sund was taken aback by this revelation.

It is worth noting that Stenger, who served during Republican control of the House, was appointed by then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Unfortunately, Stenger passed away in June 2022 after a prolonged illness.

On the other hand, Irving, appointed by Speaker Pelosi, has also served in a similar capacity during Republican control. Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) intends to call Irving to testify before his subcommittee.

Former President Trump has long claimed that Pelosi, as Speaker of the House, was responsible for Capitol security and turned down an offer for 10,000 National Guard soldiers. Trump reiterated this claim recently during an interview, asserting that if Pelosi had accepted the soldiers, the events of January 6 could have been prevented. It’s important to remember that Sund’s testimony aligns with Trump’s previous statement.

The hearings shed light on the decision-making process and raise pertinent questions about the events leading up to January 6. They highlight the fact that Sund’s request, which he believes could have had a significant impact, was denied due to Pelosi’s alleged unwillingness to authorize the presence of National Guard soldiers.

These revelations provide insight into the discussions and dynamics within the Capitol Police Board, which oversees the U.S. Capitol Police and plays a crucial role in approving requests of this nature.

While it is essential to thoroughly investigate the events surrounding the Capitol riot, it is also important to remember the context in which these decisions were made.

The political environment, coupled with concerns about optics and the available intelligence, influenced the judgment of key officials involved in Capitol security. By exploring the decision-making process and understanding the perspectives of those present, a comprehensive assessment can be made to ensure the prevention of such incidents in the future.

The hearings underscore the significance of focusing on bipartisan efforts to enhance and fortify security protocols for the Capitol. It is crucial to learn from past mistakes and address any failures in security measures that could have contributed to the events of that fateful day.

While there may be differing views on the specifics of what transpired, the common objective should be to strengthen the safety and defense of our nation’s symbol of democracy.

Furthermore, it is worth considering the lasting impact of the Jan. 6 riot, not just on the immediate security concerns but also on the broader implications for democracy and public trust. The Capitol remains a potent symbol of our national identity, and the breach on that day shook the core of American democracy.

By analyzing these events meticulously and constructively, it is possible to strengthen the resilience of our institutions, bolster trust, and safeguard the democratic ideals upon which our nation was founded.

In moving forward, it is crucial to revisit and revise the security protocols at the Capitol. While accountability for the events of Jan. 6 is essential, it is equally important to implement sustainable changes that provide robust protection while still allowing for the peaceful engagement of American citizens.

By striking the right balance, we can ensure that the Capitol remains an open and unifying space for democratic discourse, free from any potential threats.

The revelations from Steven Sund’s congressional testimony serve as a reminder of the complexities and challenges involved in safeguarding the U.S. Capitol. This issue transcends political divisions and instead emphasizes the importance of unity when it comes to securing our democratic institutions.

By addressing the concerns raised and working towards a shared goal of enhancing security measures, we can uphold the highest ideals of the American democracy and protect the Capitol as a symbol of liberty, justice, and freedom for all.

As we navigate the aftermath of the Jan. 6 riot, it is crucial for lawmakers, security officials, and the American people to come together in defining a comprehensive strategy that reinforces our democratic values.

By learning from past events and working collaboratively, we can strengthen the resilience of our institutions, cement a collective commitment to the rule of law, and ensure that the U.S. Capitol remains a beacon of hope and freedom for generations to come.

The Jan. 6 riot was a somber reminder of the fragility of democracy and the vital role that security measures play in protecting our institutions. The revelations made during Steven Sund’s testimony underscore the need for an in-depth assessment of Capitol security procedures.

By conducting a thorough review and making necessary changes, we can demonstrate our unwavering commitment to preserving the sanctity of our democratic processes.

The events surrounding the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol have ignited a fervent conversation about the importance of safeguarding our democratic institutions. By introspectively examining the decisions and actions taken leading up to that day, we can ensure that our nation’s lawmakers and citizens are appropriately protected. It is crucial to foster an environment of trust, accountability, and cooperation to prevent future threats to the U.S. Capitol and uphold the principles on which our great nation was built.

The revelations shared by former U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund during his congressional testimony provide valuable insights into the complexities and challenges faced by security officials.

These revelations underscore the necessity of a comprehensive review of the events leading up to the Jan. 6 riot, focusing on how decisions were made and the factors that influenced them. By conducting a careful and unbiased examination, we can restore confidence in our security measures and ensure that the U.S. Capitol stands as a resilient symbol of American democracy.

As we delve into the details of what transpired on Jan. 6 and the subsequent response, it is essential to foster an inclusive dialogue that transcends political differences.

By acknowledging the concerns and perspectives of all stakeholders, we can work towards a common vision of fortifying our democratic institutions. The preservation of the U.S. Capitol’s sanctity goes beyond party lines and requires a collective effort to safeguard the foundations of our democracy.