
Canadian Government To Steal Demonstrator’s Pets

The Canadian government has stretched its bitter authoritarian rule not only to the citizens of Canada but also to their pets. 

A statement released by “Ottawa By-Law” on Twitter said, “Attention animal owners at the demonstration: If you are unable to care for your animal as a result of enforcement actions, your animal will place into protective care for 8 days, at your cost. After 8 days, if arrangements are not made, your animal will be considered relinquished.”

“Relinquished” of course in this case means no longer the property of or surrendered to the government. Anyone arrested during protests would be considered “unable to care for”. 

Effectively the Ottawa police would be able to March into the home of an arrested demonstrator and seize their animal. If the owner has not been released from jail after 8 days and is unable to reclaim their pet, it will be relinquished. 

So what happens after the animal is considered “relinquished”? Well, we don’t know. The Canadian government did not exactly specify what happens after the allotted 8 day period. Many speculate the animal will be euthanized. 

“The Animal Care and Control By-law provides for temporary “protective care” by the City of animals in the event that the owner is not available, under circumstances including eviction, incarceration, or fire or medical emergency.” The official government account said in another tweet. 

The account, in the past 24 hours has retweeted numerous posts from the Ottawa police asking protestors to leave and “cease illegal activity” despite demonstration being a protected right in Canada.