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California Democrat Gloria Romero Finds New Home in Republican Party

Gloria Romero

There has been a notable political shift by a former high-ranking Democrat figure from California. Gloria Romero, a known representative who spearheaded the Democratic majority in the state Senate from 2005 to 2008, declared her major political move this Wednesday orchestrated in a media briefing at the California State Capitol.

Having extended her stay in the Democratic Party as much as she could, Romero pronounced her official farewell. She was explicit about her efforts to instigate changes in the party, asserting that she had vocalized her opinions and continually practiced her electoral duty. Exhausted of the prevailing circumstances, she expressed her desire to part ways with her former political homemaking.

Romero emphasized that like herself, many lifelong Democrats are gravitating away from the party. She went on to reveal her change of alliance from the Democratic Party to its primary competitor, the Republican Party. The latter, she insisted, had become the bastion for the working-class under the former President Donald Trump’s tenure.

The former state Senate majority leader stated unequivocally that she would cast her presidential vote in favor of Donald Trump in the upcoming election. According to Romero, there was a laundry list of reasons propelling her decision to dissociate herself from the Democratic Party.

She holds the Democratic Party accountable for conducting what she perceived as administered primaries, contending that the party quashed the voices of 14 million voters in an attempt to engineer the appointment of Vice President Kamala Harris as the presidential nominee. In her opinion, such behavior was reminiscent of tactics employed by authoritarian rulers in Latin America.

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Romero also exhibited her concerns about gender politics, expressing shock that she, being a supporter of women’s rights, could be denounced for simply defining what a woman is. Romero went on to condemn the party for forsaking Title IX protections for women’s sports equity.

She stressed that while she advocates for woman’s right to choose, she finds it alarming that the Democratic Party is endorsing late term abortions. Emphasizing her stand as a mother, Romero dissociated herself from the alternative nomenclature, ‘birthing person,’ that the party was presenting.

Romero, a proud Mexican American, took issue with the Democratic Party’s stand on immigration. She said she had always supported the creation of clear routes to citizenship, but the current approach to immigration, particularly related to the southern border, had become a farce undermining the sanctity of citizenship under the seeming ineffective management of the designated Czar and the Biden administration.

The rise in inflation and the politically charged issue of censorship were also critical factors in Romero’s decision to switch parties. She showed her dissatisfaction by alleging that the Democratic Party was stifling free speech by repressing dissenters, terming it as a practice that was against the principles of a democratic society.

Romero expressed her disapproval of the Democratic Party’s, in her view, lackadaisical response to the attack on Israel by the terrorist faction Hamas on October 7. She also explicitly criticized the Biden administration’s uncoordinated evacuation operation in Afghanistan.

Representing her views, she suggested that in contrast, the Republican Party stood for peace, while the Democratic Party was engrossed in unending warfare. Highlighting her philosophies, she noted that one of her primary disagreements with her former party had been over the right to choice in education.

Romero firmly believes in school choice, viewing it as a way for poor and minority children to have access to quality education and escape underperforming institutions. She pointed out that the Democratic Party’s stance fell short of these ideals, which was discordant with her beliefs.

Notably, Romero has served previously as the executive co-chair for the second term re-election bid of President Barack Obama. She set a precedent in her role as the State Senate majority leader by being the first female to occupy that post in California.

Romero’s political transition marks a marked departure from her former allegiances. From leading the Democrats in the California state Senate, advocating reforms within the party, to standing alongside President Obama during his re-election campaign; then opting for a crossover to the Republican Party reflects a significant recalibration of her political compass.

Romero’s shift has put a spotlight on the prevailing political atmosphere, and her conviction in the Republican Party as the defender of working people and upholder of peace denotes a significant development in the dynamism and undeniable complexity of American politics.