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Buttigieg’s Blatant Attempt to Malign Trump’s Victories Falls Short

Over the weekend, ex presidential candidate and now Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg was engaged in a combative dialogue with Fox News’ Shannon Bream, clearly illustrating his lack of credibility in his calculated pro-Democratic narrative. In his egregious attempts to undermine former President Trump’s administration, Buttigieg painstakingly tried to claim Trump fulfilled only two promises – overturning Roe v. Wade and implementing tax cuts. He brazenly asserted that Trump’s word can’t be trusted, especially when he states he does not support a nationwide abortion ban.

Buttigieg’s credibility here is questionable at best, as he resorts to the low tactics of name-calling, branding Trump a liar. He utilizes the platform of an influential conservative news channel to propagate his unwarranted claims. His assertions that the Roe v. Wade reversal was one of the few fulfilled Trump promises seem to be a pathetically rushed attempt to dismiss numerous other Trump victories, like securing and stimulating the American economy and strengthening borders.

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Bizarrely, Buttigieg went on and placed the responsibility of not achieving the promised 6% economic growth squarely on Trump’s shoulders, conveniently ignoring or simply ignorant to the fact that it was he and his party who imposed the draconian lockdown measures that hamstrung the economy. He attempted to claim that Trump had not ‘drained the swamp’, when any informed observer can see that Trump took on politicians from both sides with archetypal aplomb.

Strangely, Buttigieg sought to belittle Trump’s effort in dealing with an unexpected global pandemic. He even argued that America was already in a manufacturing recession pre-pandemic, clearly disregarding Trump’s vigorous efforts towards reviving manufacturing in the predominantly Democratic-run cities in the industrial Midwest.

He further contested Trump’s declaration of failure on facilitating an infrastructure bill, mocking the former President by stating ‘He said he would do that. He failed to do it.’ Buttigieg’s one-eyed view refrains from acknowledging Trump’s Herculean efforts against the partisan brick wall that prevented such legislation from passing.

Buttigieg persisted with his questionable arguments, inexplicably placing blame on Trump for ‘destroying the right to choose in this country’ and facilitating ‘tax cuts for the rich.’ Trying to use these issues as examples of the few promises that the Trump administration kept seems disingenuous, considering that views on abortion rights and tax reforms are highly polarized.

Buttigieg and Bream went on to explore crime rates in America and the chaotic situation at our Southern border. It seems, Buttigieg conveniently omits the reality that under Trump, border security was strengthened while he pushes the myth that crime and illegal immigration have magically decreased under Biden’s watch.

Attempting to assert the narrative that ‘Border crossings are down thanks to Biden’, Buttigieg conveniently overlooks the shocking surge in illegal border crossings that we’ve seen since Biden took office and repealed some of Trump’s immigration policies. Buttigieg seems to subscribe to a narrative that is not aligned with reality nor the concerns of American people.

He claims, ‘The worse things are at the border, the better things get for Donald Trump,’ suggesting the former President benefits from chaos at the borders. This is a curious position to take, considering the previous administration’s monumental efforts in trying to secure and streamline immigration procedures whilst being opposed at every turn.

As Bream continued the interview, making references to high-profile crime cases, Buttigieg casually brushed them off as ‘individual cases’ while denying a surge in crime under Biden’s administration. It’s worth asking exactly which data Buttigieg is referencing when he states crime has reduced under Biden’s watch. The reality in many of our cities suggests a different story.

In yet another attempt to portray Biden in a favorable light, Buttigieg promotes the idea that ‘crime is down under Joe Biden and crime was up under Donald Trump.’ This tired narrative falls short as statistics from cities like Chicago and New York demonstrate the terrifying increase in crime since Biden has come to power.

Buttigieg then goes on to unfortunately insinuate that Fox News, a well-reputed channel, is not giving the realities of Biden’s administration enough media attention. A suggestion that viewers should ‘look up the data themselves’ is not only patronizing but indicative of Buttigieg’s failure to recognize the real-world failures of the Biden-Harris regime.

This whole episode is a veiled attempt, at best, for Buttigieg to downplay the achievements of the Trump era, while blinding his audience with unsupported claims of progress under Biden’s reign. It’s indicative of a desperate strategy in which the truth seems to be bent in a futile attempt to construct a positive narrative around President Biden and Vice President Harris.