
Black Student Found Responsible For Racist Graffiti After Student Walkout

Following a Missouri high school walkout that was sparked by racist graffiti, a black student has admitted responsibility for the damage.

Dr. Keith Marty, superintendent of the Parkway School District, wrote a letter to parents after the incident saying “The student responsible is not white, however, this does not diminish the hurt it caused or the negative impact it has had on our entire community”.

The graffiti was found at Parkway Central High School and included multiple anti-black slurs. Over 1,000 students from different schools across the district conducted a walkout in Chesterfield, Missouri.

I want to acknowledge the actions our students took as a result of these incidents. Students proactively led walkouts at multiple Parkway high schools and in these moments, many students shared personal experiences of racism throughout their lives and at school.

Keith marty

Marty also wrote “Their voice was a clear indication that more work is needed to ensure our school cultures and communities are safe for each student regardless of their race”.

According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, district officials are investigating graffiti at Parkway North, another high school in the area.

This is not the first time racial graffiti has been found in schools. Back in 2017, graffiti with a racial slur was discovered at the same school and it was concluded to be done by a non-white student.

The superintendent noted that “Parkway will continue to hold students responsible for any behavior that threatens or degrades others in our school community”.