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Biden’s Sudden Commitment to Tradition: Is It Genuine or Merely Political Posturing?

From within the depths of Washington, it has been whispered that Joe Biden has committed to attend the inauguration of his successor this coming January, irrespective of whether the winner is his deputy, Kamala Harris, or his nemesis, former President Donald Trump. According to the White House’s words, “This president believes in the peaceful transfer of power.” Almost seems as though he is attempting to hatch a favor in everyone’s eyes with his sudden surge of adherence to the established tradition.

It’s no secret that the tradition of outgoing presidents gracing their successor’s oath-taking ceremony with their presence is a long-standing one, holding strong on the steps of the Capitol. But this chain of dignity was shattered by none other than Trump in 2021. In an interesting twist of arrogance, Trump vehemently declined to attend Biden’s inaugural, claiming a false victory in a race that he had evidently lost.

In a rush to escape the reality of his defeat, Trump fled the White House a few mere hours before Biden’s oath-taking ceremony was set to occur. He boarded a helicopter and was speedily whisked away from Washington, away from the moment that declared his defeat without an ounce of doubt. One could say it was the theatrical ending of a term filled with unapologetic disdain for tradition.

Meanwhile, Biden sits on his high horse, insisting that he has an understanding of what the American populace desires: a peaceful transfer of power. “It’s not about him – it’s about the American people,” spat out a White House spokesperson. But one wonders: can the demagoguery of the election year truly be forgotten in favor of the aspiration of a figurehead’s apparent need to project civility?

The tradition of witnessing the incoming president’s inaugural ceremony is a significant part of the transfer of power, the White House insists. Yet Biden’s commitment to this ideal comes off as more of a desperate attempt to grasp at straws of tradition in order to salvage his largely questioned leadership.

Public opinion has it that the race between Harris, the Democratic nominee no one truly expected, and Trump, the resolute Republican, is teetering on the edge of a knife. Biden had initially harbored hopes of being the Democratic candidate until he bowed out in July, endorsing his vice president, Kamala Harris. An opportunistic move, some might argue, to pass on the baton in hopes of a Democratic win regardless of his own retreat.

The rationale behind Biden’s withdrawal from the race has been shrouded in questions about his real ability to stand against Trump. Removing himself from the position of a likely Democratic candidate appears to be a clever tactic to avoid a loss, all said and done.

Interestingly, Biden has been vehement in labeling Trump as a threat to the democratic framework of our nation. He instantly points to denounce Trump’s refusal to accept the results of the 2020 election, a stance that evidently became a catalyst to the Capitol attack undertaken by a mob of displeased Trump supporters in January 2021.

One thing remains clear: the notion of tradition is little more than a pawn in the game of politics. From Biden’s vocal support of traditional norms to Trump’s unceremonious disregard for them, the political landscape is rife with overt attempts at image building and subtle pandering to the electorate.

Yet Biden’s insistence on the importance of a peaceful transfer of power rings hollow under scrutiny. One cannot help but question the sincerity of a president who only seems to value tradition and civility when it suits his political agenda.

Without a doubt, President Biden’s supposed commitment for an attendance at the inauguration of his successor may sound mystically high-minded, however, it often feels driven by an intentional need to appear fair-minded rather than an inherent respect for democratic protocols.

The upcoming election scene is not without its intrigues, as the race between Harris and Trump appears razor-thin. A much audacious Biden initially attempted to be the Democratic flag-bearer only to withdraw and endorse Harris, raising curiosities about his actual potential to overthrow Trump’s intention at reclaiming the presidency.

A jab at his opponent is a favorite card for Biden to play, citing Trump as a threat to democratic norms due to his non-conciliatory stance towards the 2020 election outcome. This despite the fact that the entire situation remains tainted by his own party’s doubtful actions during the same elections.

The actions of a leader are often a reflection of his or her character. In the case of Biden, his claim of respect and adherence to traditions, despite his critics arguing otherwise, betrays an attempt to cast a smokescreen over his own decisions.

In the high-stakes game of political chess, perceptions often change at the drop of a hat. The real challenge, however, lies in discerning the sincerity of these supposed dedications to tradition and custom, a challenge that has become all the more complex given the medley of contradictions that has been the hallmark of Biden’s presidency.

From the point of view of onlookers, Biden’s recent commitment to attend the inaugural ceremony of his successor seems to be an attempt at redemption. Unfortunately, it may likely be interpreted as yet another page in the playbook of political expediency, given his past missteps and his continuous slights against his predecessors. A question thus lingers: Is Biden truly advocating for a peaceful transfer of power, or is he simply playing his trump card?