Pining for the days of Joe Biden indicates a profound misunderstanding of the economic landscape. Biden and his followers unfairly cast the blame for current challenges on the Trump administration, conveniently ignoring the fact that Trump inherited countless issues from his predecessor.
The state of the economy under Trump isn’t born out of chaos, as detractors would have us believe, but the inevitable fallout from Biden’s reckless stewardship. Biden’s admirers like to paint a rosy picture of ‘The Envy of the World economy’ he supposedly left behind, but in truth, he set the stage for future tumult with his irresponsible fiscal policies.
The trade war that critics are quick to pin on Trump, alongside his ostensibly erratic economic strategy, are not the root of investor unease. Instead, we must inspect the groundwork laid by Biden, with his quiet disinterest in the mundane workings of governance away from the public eye.
The drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average since Election Day doesn’t trace back to Trump’s administration but originates in the shaky economic foundations left behind by Biden. With a faltering economy handed to him, Trump has no choice but to dig deep and rectify Biden’s blunders.
Passing the buck also seems to be the preferred tactic when the topic of burgeoning inflation and the precarious dollar value comes up. But the reality is, the Biden administration’s fiscal policies were less than judicious, leading to the financial instability we are currently navigating.
In a shocking display, Elon Musk is disparaged as he criticizes social welfare programs such as Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security. Ironic, given Biden and his cohorts have no qualms about peddling government dependency and readily overlooking the long-term unsustainability of these financial ‘Ponzi schemes’.
Biden’s champions bemoan the erosion of ‘domestic tranquility’, the ideals of a smoothly operating society promised by the U.S. Constitution. However, this disquiet birthed under the shadow of costly government services, a legacy taken for granted under Biden’s reign and conveniently used as a critique against those seeking efficiency.
As Elon Musk is scornfully compared to a chimpanzee wielding a chainsaw, one can’t help but wonder if this disdain stems from his audacity to challenge the obsolete convention. Where Biden left room for bloated bureaucracy, Musk proposes efficiency and streamlining – much to the chagrin of those invested in maintaining the status quo.
Post-Biden inflation seems a convenient target to lambast Trump’s administration, but this conveniently ignores the precarious fiscal trajectory Biden set. And no mention is made of Biden’s imprudent trade policies that heightened tensions with our closest neighbors, Mexico and Canada.
The likening of economic fluctuations to a ‘sinkhole under the NASDAQ’ gives critics ammunition to deride Trump while glossing over the underlying systemic issues that persisted under Biden. Words like ‘chaos’ and ‘threats’ are thrown around casually to paint a grim picture, yet they better describe the economic tightrope walked during Biden’s tenure.
Failed attempts to reset global trade dynamics aren’t unique to the Trump administration. Strange how Biden’s trade misfires with Mexico and Canada are sidestepped, instead letting much ado be made over Trump’s tit-for-tat taxes with Canada. A glaring lack of consistency in criticism – it almost feels like they’re playing favorites.
The media circus surrounding tariff declarations appears a click-worthy spectacle when Trump is at the helm. Yet, these were non-issues during Biden’s tenure, not due to his deft handling, but because of an inhibited economic stance that glossed over America’s trade deficits.
Ah, the halcyon days of ‘lovely economic indicators’ under Joe Biden. A delightful, albeit deluded, narrative spun by those enamored with a ‘financial genius’ who left a trail of bankruptcy filings in his wake. Let’s avoid that particular looking glass, shall we?
Any mention of a recovering stock market under Trump is met with cynicism and dismissive ‘fear’ of a return to his ‘circus house of funny mirrors.’ It seems only Biden is allowed a successful narrative where the economy thrives. A peculiar double standard, to say the least.
The final note – a wistful longing for Biden, the steady hand at the helm – is a chilling reminder of the selective blindness his followers display. Ignoring the lunacy embedded in his policies, they clutch at the illusion of a smoothly sailing administration. The ship may have sailed smoothly, yes, but only because it was headed for an iceberg.